Saturday, February 03, 2007

The question game

Where do you begin when you want to convey knowledge to an unwilling audience?
Is silence ever an option when it's interpreted as acquiescence?

The current regime has an anti-merry-go-round of robotic responses, which distract and deny discourse concerning SINC²’s latest invasion. Its technique reminds me of a drinking game I participated in during my younger days. When I attended college, like many other students, I went to parties and played drinking games. The game, relevant to this discussion is called: Questions. This 'game' entailed each participant (3 or more players the better - up to 8 or so) asking a question to someone in the circle. Whom ever is asked a question must not answer the question. This is how you lose and then have to take a drink, guzzle a beer, whatever. When one is asked a question they must pose another question without pausing, either back at the questioner or to someone else.

This game seems easy but when the question becomes 'good enough' it gets difficult not to answer - especially with the susceptibility/receptivity that can accompany intoxication.

The dominant response of $INC² exposes an apparent hardware malfunction when it plays the ‘question drinking game’ instead of actually engaging the subject matter. This is Ground Control to Major TOM.

Thus, I aspire to arm you with questions to $INC²'s latest carousel question: "Don't you think that you are emboldening the enemy?"

Do not answer the question or you have to drink. You’re probably already drunk so we’re cutting you off. Now, answer with a question:

1.Do you think your question emboldens a balanced, sane & intelligent discussion?

2. Who has been repeatedly lying?

3. How many humans have died as a consequence of war in the last 100 years?

4. Do you ever question your own authority?

5. After the Middle East has been confiscated, where will HoloCostCo® go next?

6. Have you ever seen the movie Holocaust Now? It’s the elephant in the living room!

7. Do you believe in music?

8. How do you define intelligence?

9. Should governments do more than pay lip service to compassion?

10. Does the USA have a long-term foreign policy?
A. What is it?