I am such a robot driven by my id
Lost inside a sea of selves watch my sight grow dim
The television has come home to roost
While you were chasing a wild goose
I am such a puppet
Who does not know when to shut it
Sometimes instruction
Feels like destruction
And don’t you know that language is always reduction
The depth of the trance
Depends on your stance
The fate of your soul is left up to chance
The sound bites are random
Automatically tandem
& the illusion of order is lost at the border
Observe the ape inside a room
He will escape certain doom
The riddle starts in quantum land
It ends when you move your hand
Lost inside a sea of selves watch my sight grow dim
The television has come home to roost
While you were chasing a wild goose
I am such a puppet
Who does not know when to shut it
Sometimes instruction
Feels like destruction
And don’t you know that language is always reduction
The depth of the trance
Depends on your stance
The fate of your soul is left up to chance
The sound bites are random
Automatically tandem
& the illusion of order is lost at the border
Observe the ape inside a room
He will escape certain doom
The riddle starts in quantum land
It ends when you move your hand

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