Poilice to use water boarding on Prince Harry
"Detectives who questioned Prince Harry during an investigation into the illegal killing of two rare birds of prey over the Queen's estate at Sandringham are to send a report to the Crown Prosecution Service." Guardian Unlimited
"Unless there is substantial evidence, it is possible to escape conviction by maintaining that the bird was mistaken for legitimate quarry." Times Online
So far the Prince is not talking. The only witness is one of the staff. He'll keep his mouth shut if he knows what is good for him. Perpetrators can be fined 5000 quid and face 6 months in prison. An anonymous member of the Crown Prosecution Service has let it be known that they will use water boarding interrogation techniques on Prince Harry to determine his guilt or innocence. There are no bird carcasses. Maybe they should look in the Prince's stomach.

"Unless there is substantial evidence, it is possible to escape conviction by maintaining that the bird was mistaken for legitimate quarry." Times Online
So far the Prince is not talking. The only witness is one of the staff. He'll keep his mouth shut if he knows what is good for him. Perpetrators can be fined 5000 quid and face 6 months in prison. An anonymous member of the Crown Prosecution Service has let it be known that they will use water boarding interrogation techniques on Prince Harry to determine his guilt or innocence. There are no bird carcasses. Maybe they should look in the Prince's stomach.

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