Wednesday, January 19, 2005

What the Bleep Critique

What the Bleep was a monumental movie. It has single-handedly bridged the yogi experiece to the quantum physical abstract experience with a relatively enormous audience bearing witness. This movie only takes us so far and then stops. The various experts focus primarily on the abstract implications. They leave the personal application department as pristine as freshly fallen snow on Mount Baldy. Another giant piece of information left out of What the Bleep are the various locations of concentrations of neurons (basal ganglia) found outside of the skull. The movie revolves around the enormous amount of influence our mood (limbic system) has over our perception of reality yet it leaves many dots unconnected. For instance, the heart is made up of anywhere from 60 to 65 percent neural tissue. What is the heart doing with all these neurons you ask? Well, according to Traditional Chineese Medicine (TCM), the heart is the center of brain activity. Thus, for the sharp scientist. it should not come as a surprise that the heart is regulating the cerebral cortex, the limbic system (emotional body) and the immune system. The implications of this information can be startlling. It may be wise to take breaks to allow for integration. Every organ has basal ganglia that includes the skin and the stomach. Yogis are off the What the Bleep radar screen. TCM is off the What the Bleep radar screen. Maybe these topics will be covered in Bleep II. TCM organizes the organs. Each organ is paired and given a department in the government. This illustrates how the organs are communicating with eachother. TCM also is based on meridians. Meridians (energy channels) flow thru our bodies. Western science has proven their existence to themselves. The application of this knowledge has existed for thousands of years. Acu-puncture, shiat-zu, chi-gong, and tai-chi are all examples of the meridian system being exploited for human happiness and health. Yoga is another application of the knowledge that the human has a system of brains. Breath is the common denominator in all these systems. The human body is capable of massaging all the organs with every breath. What is the intention pushing the breath?
The heart is the seat of wisdom and intuition. Breasts are a sign of intelligence. What next?