Thursday, April 28, 2005

Where the poles meet

I am currently reading a book called: “Poker Without Cards. It is quite an interesting read. It uses various techniques, alternative histories and metaphors to help dismantle the current mainstream paradigm. The setting is a state mental health ward. The 78 pages I have read so far are between a psychiatrist and a friend of an involuntary patient. We have another four-day house rental. I read a few pages of this free e-book while managing the parking. A Toyota would pull up; I’d greet the guest, direct them to a parking spot, pull out a bunch of weeds and forget what I was reading about. This was my pattern. Initially, while waiting for arrivals, I relocated some pea gravel, raked it into the semblance of order and cleaned excess off the driveway.

Millenium has started me off with another quart of perk. I took a break from his probiotic super group and have watched my sugar addiction return. He’s spending a lot of time working on his tee-pee. When I saw him yesterday, he stood on a ladder trying to drape a big umbrella over the opening in the center where the poles meet and the rain gets in.

After the parking of the cars, I cruised down the hill in the Skip mobile. I am caring for 7 puppies and 2 dogs for the next 5 days. I’ll also be taking care of Angus the cat for Rachel. My friend Daniel is performing at Coachella Music Festival with his old school rock band Bauhaus. So, Sunny and Daniel both wanted me to watch over their animals. They can get pretty crazy but have all gone to sleep now.

Bill continues to talk about Skip being kicked off the land. I’ve taken an informal pole among those who live here about whether they think Skip will be back. All four that I asked believe he will return.

The latest update on Skip is that soon after arriving in Rhinebeck, NY he had some eruptions, some tectonic movement among the various plates of his personality. His curator and host did not take his nuclear reaction lightly and has decided to enact a system of fines as an attempt to discourage the outbursts of rage that he has periodically.

I wonder what will happen to Skip. He carves out his existence with a shovel. He wears t-shirts and shorts that are rarely clean. He’s got a long grey beard, crazy grey Einstein hair and articulates like a college professor on an eclectic array of topics from geology to linguistics.