Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Imprint vulnerability in the dungeon

Yesterday I heard Erica the bookkeeper speaking with someone as she walked along the stone walkway that leads into the basement office/internetzone. I could hear her calling this space a "dungeon". She walked thru the doorway and introduced me to Arlene, her assistant.

When I walked into the "dungeon" this morning, Arlene was back organizing files and bookkeeping. We greeted eachother and then silence ensued.

I begin my typical surfing and learn from Drudge that the new pope has been chosen. I laugh outloud and share the news with Arlene: They chose the new pope, he's german and a former Nazi.[ Joeseph Ratzinger is now Pope Benedict VI]. Arlene: "Really?"

"It's really not that surprising. We live in such fascist times that its natural for the pope to be a Nazi." I go on and say how it's interesting that 4 people have just been indicted for the murder of "God's banker" and that 2 of them have ties to the mafia. Originally the authorities blamed the death on suicide even though facts pointed to homicide. Now, 22 years later the case is open.

I also say that "re-member" and "re-ligion" are very similar and that most re-legions are about forgetting and that they could more accurately be call: reforgettings. I mention the parallels between Hercules and Jesus. She's unfamiliar with Hercules. I say that they are both basically supe heroes.

She laughs and says: "I am a Roman Catholic but I don't agree with everything. I don't believe in confession. I think that's between me and God." She goes on to say: "I use to think people would burn in Hell if they were not baptised but now I don't. I do believe that Jesus Christ is our savior."

I asked her if she new anything about imprint vulnerability. She replied: "No."

"Imprint vulnerability is what happens to our brain when our neurons make a huge leap in interneural connections. The sacraments in Roman Catholicism originally were timed to be performed during the 4 major stages of imprint vulnerability that most humans go thru. Baptism is still done at the time when we imprint our relaxation level. It is almost like our brain is blank film and that we take a picture of our environment. The fetus fish becomes the baby washed upon the shore."

Arlene watches me closely without blinking her eyes. She nods for me to continue. I notice the curve of her hips, her long brown hair and her crossed legs.

I continue: "Communion is timed wrong now. Kids used to receive this sacrament when they started walking. This is when the next imprinting stage occurs. At this age we have to start controling where we number 1 and 2. The child goes from crawling horizontally (quadraped) to vertical movement (biped). The brain developes countless new inerneural connections that are a function of the environment. The sacraments are a way of controling people, they hook deeply into the unconscious part of the psyche. When ever we hit a crisis point in our lives we fall back on the religion as a natural way to ground ourselves."

Arlene smiles in her black dress. She is listening very carefully and is not disturbed so I carry on.

"Confession is also performed at the wrong time now. It would be alot more affective if they timed it when the child begins to speak. When we start communicating in sentences, the language aquisition device kicks in and the brain makes a big change. The larynx will now move with every thought even when it is not spoken. There are computer devices that hook up to the larynx and translate our thoughtstream directly onto the computer screen."

Arlene: "Really?" her eyes get larger.

"The fourth one they got right, Confirmation. The Mormons and Jews time their rituals for puberty correctly as well. When we hit puberty our brain and bodies change quite quickly. Suddenly, we really notice the opposite sex. How we socialize changes, our motivation changes-"

My cell phone rings: It is Maya, she wants directions to Full Circle Farm. I excuse myself and leave the "dungeon".