Saturday, April 09, 2005

The party floats

The party started off slow. Just before the sun went down, the wind stopped blowing.
Around 9 PM, the scene began to grow like a flash flood in the desert where you cannot see the rain but you hear the rumble of thunder in the distant mountains. Guy’s set up was warm - with two fires, an open bar and lots of colored lights strung in the trees. Inside his dance hall/yoga studio, I set up this powerbook, I am typing on. A friend fire wired me 10 gigs of mostly techno dance/bliss/ambient/sacred/world music etc.. By default I ended up DJ’ing for the first time. My stint lasted for 2 hours and was well received.

John Mcuen performed with Sean Inglesby on bass and Brad Buley on drums. They covered the Grateful Dead with clean harmonies, Eric Clapton with heartfelt class and a string of other eclectic oldies. The energy grew until the floor began to shake and the mirrors vibrated. Tomorrow, John flies out for a gig in Phoenix.

So now the party has ended and I sit here listening to Pink Floyd. The fires are still burning and 1 candle still has a flame. The hour is late enough to convince me to sleep here; my CBR 900 will not wake up countless sleepers.

I saw Daryl (see: Daryl falls like a tree) for the first time in a while. His arm and wrist have recovered quite nicely. He’s been having physical therapy regularly and seems to be quite effective.

The night ended with a few of us around a fire sleeping under the stars surrounded by eucalyptus trees and eucalyptus smoke,