Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Keep the change

"Ahh", the sound issues forth from your throat like water out of a tap in your recently remodelled bathroom.

You must be feeling pretty good.

"Yes" you reply "You could say I am feeling rather cultured."

Hm m cultured...

The pause gives you a chance to frame your reply.
"Well, I should say so. Did you know that so it is on the inside then so it is on the outside?"

Huh; what's that supposed to mean? Glance out the window, scan for mirrors.

"Grrr raarrr owwwumm" you playfully respond like a cat as you arch your spine and yawn. "battles, wars, dances, sex, eating, kissing, breathing... they all have one common denominator... culture."

Really, uh okaaay - think about barking, growling, but don't do it.

"Cultures are always being exchanged. The cultures residing in the intestines of living beings are continually being challenged. The intensity of their interaction is determined by many factors: diet, stress level, sun spot activity, age, geomantic location. Cultures of bacteria are continually striving for dominance."

So what does this have to do with -

"The outside stuggles we see around us are a consequence of the many strains of bacterial cultures that continue to evolve within our bodies. They concentrate in the large intestine. They exist in a separate dimension of time. Some are like jungles, some are like factories spewing pollution into the air and down the drains and then down another drain..."

Uhh, I'm not sure how we got on this subject but -

"The true art of alchemy resides in the temple of our body. It takes discipline, luck and creativity to establish a balanced colony of bacteria within your body. It seems as though we now have a fork in the road in front of us but you can always change the road you are on. One road is the probiotic route [raw,organic,solar]. The other is the antibiotic route [gmo,pesticides,petrochemicals]."

Listen, we just passed my street... uhh, just pull over and let me out here... how much do I owe ya? Here uhh keep the change.