Sunday, March 27, 2005

Food not bombs

You know, I can't really blame you for volunteering to work with that group of young people. Giving out food to homeless citizens, drummers, rif raf and miscelaneous park goers is actually kind of noble in my opinion. The one error in your judgement was not looking into the organization further. Even the name: "Food Not Bombs", seems pretty simple and non threatening. But still, you should have checked up on them. Now, it's too late. Little did you know, "Food Not Bombs" are considered the #1 internal terrorist threat in the good ole U.S. of A.. Now you've been put on one of those watch lists and are unable to fly on planes or get a government job or work at nuclear facilities or get a gun permit or buy a house. But hey, at least you're still in the good ole U.S. of A. where you are free unless you disobey.

(A few days later)
Can I say that I am impressed with your creative solution? It's so simple and has a real mathematical symmetry about it. "Bombs Not Food" has a ring to it I must admit. Did you think that up yourself? I see your logic that starting an organization called this might nullify your association with "Food Not Bombs". Yeah they could cancel eachother out. What about your Kharma? Yeah, I don't blame you. No one wants to be a martyr. I actally think that martyrdom is a form of self hatred. Don't get me started. It's all about self spin and what you're revolving around. Ask me about this later.

Oh by the way, what does your organization, "Bombs Not Food" do anyway?
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