Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Swimming in a sugary sea

I walk along a path that changes like the river. Sometimes I walk like a turtle and sometimes I run like a deer. And there are times I stumble and fall. When I fall, I aspire to fall with grace, not from it. Thus, my recent slight stumbling allowed me to open up to an amazing dietary resource that our new cosmic gardener humbley and generously shares. Millenium has a culture of bacteria that perks with soaked almonds that have been blended with water. My energy level had been falling recently and my body gave me a few indicators that it was too acidic. This situation had gone on for a few months. I ignored it as long as I could, allowing my sweet tooth to overide my common sense.

Initially, when Millenium arrived, I was in "I know mode". A couple weeks ago, an indicator of health disruption caused me to switch into "I don't know mode". I tried the bacterial concoction and immediately perceived a positive change in my energy level. Since I have begun the Millenium food plan, the sugar jones has lost its power over my will.

The culture is extremely alkaline and provided the ph adjustment my body needed to return to the state of health that I am accustomed to.

It is easy to forget that sugar is a drug when it is so prevalent in our society. The influence of sugar on human history teaches us about the darkside of human colonialism. Numerous peoples were slaughtered, kidnapped and enslaved in order to meet the sky rocketing demand for sugar. Hawaii is just one example. The burden on our health remains hidden like water is hidden to fish. It is so prevalent that you may find it difficult to have a meal without it.

Challenge of the week: Go a week with no sugar. Feel free to share results...