Monday, March 28, 2005

Harmony can't harm any

Noam Chomsky is a leading voice in political dissent. He has a doctorate in linguistics. He's considered a genius in this realm. He took his linguistic laser and pointed it at the media. He began to burn thru layers and layers of deception and found that the majority of USA's interaction/intervention with various 3rd world countries was quite suspect. He found mainstream media to be "self censoring" thru omission. Because of his credentials, perseverance, courage and accuracy, his voice of dissention has been heard on CNN (Larry King Show). His books sell remarkabley well and he remains current. The way that events seem to be unfolding clearly demonstrate that his genius in linguistics has bled into politcal theory.

I pay homage to him as I begin my focus on a word that is constantly repeated: conservative.

1.Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change.
2.Traditional or restrained in style: a conservative dark suit.
3.Moderate; cautious: a conservative estimate.
4.Of or relating to the political philosophy of conservatism.
5.Belonging to a conservative party, group, or movement.
6.Conservative Of or belonging to the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom or the Progressive Conservative Party in Canada.
7.Conservative Of or adhering to Conservative Judaism.
8.Tending to conserve; preservative: the conservative use of natural resources.

There is an enormous gulf between how this word is used and what it actually means. There are many who hide behind this word, using it as a shield. They think that it gives their opinion more weight. The irony becomes obvious when we look at the various meanings of this word. This is what happens when we start peeling back the layers of rhetoric. We find deception after deception. The vast majority of humans on the planet do not want to face the truth that our carefully constructed realities: (media, religion, individual personna) are all layers and layers of lies. It is so much easier to label something and say: "I know." Then we can forget and move on to the next distraction. We only are capable of learning when we say: "I don't know." To quote Carl Jung: "People cannot stand too much reality."

Thus, I suspect that the actual conservatives on this planet have been nearly wiped out by radicals. The Australian Aborigines culture existed from 50,000 to 1.5 million years. Their tradition is but a blink in the eye of a planet whose lifeforms go back 3.5 billion years. Thus we find another layer of deception. For the sake of this essay, I will apply the word - conservative - to this current time in history. When their home was invaded by Europeans they had lived traditionally for tens of thousands of years. The European radical barbarians hunted them for sport and systematically destroyed their culture by not allowing them to speak their language and taking away their children. This is a common colonial technique.

What the current regime of organized crime wants to preserve is their own power structure. Their mode of operandi has been quite severe, brutal and senseless. It is obvious to me that they do not feel connected to this planet. Fear has become their constant companion and only changes in degrees. They are able to exploit the fear that Americans' appear to have at looking beneath the surface.

There is no such thing as an energy shortage. The earth is an enormous battery and the energy from the sun is awe inspiring. We have great intelligence that has been hijacked by fear mongers and panic attackers. If we focus our vast resources of intellect on preservation instead of destruction then harmony is inevitable. And harmony, can't harm any.