Friday, April 01, 2005

Everybody's talking about hotdogs

The day begins with my cell phone's alarm, which sounds like someone running their fingers up and down the ivory keys of a piano. I lay there not fully awake and listen to the river. My body feels tired and my mind feels ired. Scan the body. Relax. Breathe up the back. Get out of the way. I observe thoughts. A broke record skipping. Thirty minutes later I am up and out of the Big Agnes sleeping bag. Today's retreat will be a good one I think. It's all about raw food, yoga, cleansing and today is April Fool's Day - no fooling.

My tasks are completed and I have time to pick up my Extreme air port card so my sweet G4 PowerBook will finally have some WiFi. I arrive at the little store, throw down my eighty bucks and then learn that "it's a pain in the ass to install the card." "will you do it?" "Yeah" "How much?" "eighty-five bucks".

So now I will install this card myself. Oh well, one thing leads to another.

Back up on the hill. Now I am the parking manager. I have to fit a mystery number of cars in a limited amount of space. So I am playing tetrus with cars. Guiding folks into a nice orderly parking matix. First they check in. Drop off bags. Then I find a place for their car to rest. BMWs. Volvos. Toyotas. Mercedes.

Finally have a chance to do some yoga. After 10 minutes the calm peaceful feeling of well being and clarity comes in. I continue for another 50 minutes. The static of thoughts, like dirt on the window of my ego, are cleaned and polished.

Next, I am asked by Devin to deposit some checks. I borrow the Volvo and cruise to the bank. It's customer appreciation day. Lotsa popcorn and hotdogs. I hear snatches of conversation. Everyone's talking about hotdogs. I head to Rainbow Bridge and buy some papaya and blueberries.

I drive back up the hill. Kip has recruited me to help out with some kitchen stuff. He's a raw gourmet chef and puts out all kinds of tastey food. My work is making little coco balls. Totally raw: agave, almonds, coconut oil, raw coco. It's like making tiny little snowballs. I do this for 2 hours and talk to a young guest about various things that I cannot remember now.

Bill sigals for me to head on down to the kiva to get a fire going with him and Devin. We three bring down wood and get it burning. Next, I set candles into place circling the kiva and then light the tiki torches along the trail. The bell rings for dinner. The main course is rawzanya and is super delicious. I eat brown rice with it - the only exception to the raw theme.

Dinner's over. Back down to the kiva where Holla will start the ball of council rolling around the kiva with the talking flashlight. Tonight's theme is: the fool. I begin with some didj playing to set the tone. Soon, the sharing begins and each person takes a turn expounding on the qualities (exemplified by the fool) they want to bring to their life. When the flashlight gets to me, I express thanks and then get to the heart of my invocation which involves the recognition of my need for more humor and less seriousness about myself. I adjusted the fire and absorbed the words of wisdom that came out of the mouths and hearts of the aspiring yogis.

The night ends with me circling the grounds turning off lights eating some culture and shaving.