Thursday, April 07, 2005

Personal perks

Today Daniel and I raised a big green tent he gave me. It had been damaged in one of the big deluges of rain that happened back in October. When it collapsed, various metal poles bent and snapped. We used a wooden dowel and pieces of a small pipe to repair the damaged poles. Now it stands on the observation deck. It blends in better than I thought it would. The wind will be blowing tomorrow to test its strength.

Next, I'm playing tennis with Will and Bill. We have two raquets among the three of us. Initially, Bill hits with Will. Will plays like I've never seen before. He hustles and drills winners all over the court. Bill leaves for 30 minutes to run an errand. Now I hit with Will. His energy level drops by 90 percent. His motivation left with his father. Will says his stomach hurts. He lays down on a bleacher. I work on my serve and have him identify whether or not I am spinning it.

Back in the community kitchen, Millenium and I work on our personal perks. I end up with 5 quarts. I've got 5 in the fridge so I am set. Pure alchilinity. Pure Alchemy.

Tomorrow's issues with Prana meeting was canceled. Kind of a rielief. Not so much fun to see someone on the hotseat.