Saturday, April 02, 2005

Retreat day II, watch out for meteors

And so the retreat continues. My t-house was co-opted by two folks for this go round. Thus, I picked the observation deck to pitch my tent. Last night, I'm laying in Big Agnes and trying to fall asleep but there's this dog barking. I start running thru scenarios in my head of walking up to the house and saying something to the owners. Well, of course I don't act on this angry impulse. Instead, I just sweetly ask the dog in my mind to stop barking. To my surprise, the barking stopped.

My first waking moments: I'm sweating, sun (my silent alarm) is bright on my tent and promts me to get out and feel the cool air on my skin. I check my three jars of perk that I blended last night and they all activated. I make my rounds of turning off lights and it turns out Devin came thru and turned most of them off. Good on ya, mate. I dump some compost in the garden.

I end up doing my yoga in the house. Iron out a few crinkles. Polish a couple smears on my ego window. Stretch hamstrings breathe relax stretch groin breathe relax lunge rock the baby thread the needle breathe relax downward dog my version of a split ha. Ahh what a relief. Thanks, India.

Meandered down to the jacuzzi and soaked for a few hours. Turned on some lights and then played some music with Tony for the yoga class. Felt nice, first time we played in like 2 months I think. Afterward, I play with another didj player, Kishen. He's very good. Best i've played with. He uses wormhole didj. I use Earth didj. We have taken Earth thru a wormhole. I hope nobody minds. Later on, I learn he lived in Buckingham, PA and then moved to Stanford, Connecticut. Pretty shocking. He's lived a parallell existence to me or something. He traveled around the world for years, lived in Paris for a few years. Finally came to the realization that he wanted to live in Cali. Now he's in L.A. He even surfs. Weird.

Dinner, raw and cool. Back to the yoga studio. Holla and Kip lead a raw food discussion and serve raw coco balls. Thirty minutes pass and then the music begins and mostly everyone starts dancing. I'm in one of my wallflower outsider modes. My reverse magnetism kicks in. Ahh, might as well check the web. Metafilter is my first stop. This is where I learn that the Pope is dead. A whole bunch of comments on his death. Alot of "."s which are supposed to represent moments of silence. Many cynical comments. My favorites: "Bush for pope" and "Bono for pope".

I head back down to the party in the yoga studio to wrap it up. Now I have a henna om on the back of my bald head. Soon I will head up to my tent on the observation deck on top of the northern winery, I'll let you steer tonight, watch out for meteors. zzzzzzz
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