Thursday, April 14, 2005

What an expensive prop

I finally spoke with Skip today. One thing you can say about Skip: the guy is resilient. While on the southwestern corner of the estate I had a chance encounter with him. He immediately began joking about the teeth throwing incident when I brought it up.

He said "What an expensive prop... it's gonna cost me 850 bucks!"

I let him know that I've been covering this story. I said: "Man Skip, you run the whole gammut in my blog but this one takes the cake. What a crazy post!"

Skip said: "you're gonna have to print it all out and give me a copy so I can read it and know who I am." He laughed and smiled saying that he'd have the new set in at 11:30 AM on Friday (tomorrow). I guess he needed a rush job done because of his heading out to New York the following day.

It's amazing the change in appearance that occurs when you don't have any teeth. Skip also filled me in with his take on what happened. Basically, the dentures have never fit right. When he gets intense in his verbal expressions, the poor fit becomes an issue and interferes with his abilty to communicate. This is why he chucked them on the ground. I'm just glad that he won't have his trip delayed. They can sure make teeth quick these days.

I'll be staying in his crazy abode for a while, driving his truck and will have access to his various tools while he's on the bEast coast. Much grattitude to Skip. He's one of the most generous people I have ever met - excluding my parents.

The structure that had been at the center of this cyclone has been dialed in much more thoroughly, based on reports from several sources. My plate has been so full that I have not checked it out for myself. But I will, rest assured dear reader, I will.

Fellow Ojai blogger Tyler's site:

1 waves:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo Didj - told you I'd be keeping an eye on your blog! Thanks for the mention - keep up the great work. Best, Tyler

10:56 AM  

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