Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Where's my teeth?

Skip is the most radical artist I have ever known or even heard of. He's also by far the craziest and yet still capable of being able to function in such a secular society without being locked up. He's kind of like Old Faithful, the steam vent in Yellowstone that sends up a geyser every 22 minutes. Put a bunch of water up on top some magma and you get a lot of water pressure. I've known Skip for over 6 years now and he lives above an emotional volcanoe that hides in his lymbic system. I am not a geologist or a psychologist but at this point, I am able to perceive the cycle and signs of an upcoming eruption.

Skip's heading to New York this Saturday for the next 4 months or so and is feeling ungrounded. There's a project he's been helping with that involves super adobe and is similar to his kivas. Its just a lot more civilized - at least relatively. Bill does not want to sink any more money into it and so it does not have a roof. But, now we're approaching the trigger which led to flashpoint, it has a roof now. Skip's primitive version of a roof.

The latest report is that its going to take a bunch of man hours to undo what Skip has done. Bill confronted Skip with his renegade roof antics and Skip went thru the roof. He got so mad that he ripped his own teeth (dentures) out of his mouth and thru them on the ground.

An anonymous source has told me that he saw Skip on his hands and knees searching the area for his teeth.

Steve, the builder and designer of the structure was estatic when Skip showed his sketch of the roof. Steve considers the roof a brilliant contribution in the short term because the budget was cut and it makes the space useful in the interim. He says that it has a tight skin over it and anyone can live in it - right now.