Thursday, June 02, 2005

Draw a cartoon in your mind

Tom Tomorrow had the greatest political cartoon I have yet seen concerning the ridiculous chains of words that keep coming out of the current organized crime family occupying the house known for being white. There are 4 frames to this work of art. A penguin asks a man. So, let me get this straight, You are condemning Newsweek for putting out false information which led to the unnecessary loss of life? Doesn't this sound the least bit familiar? NO. Where do you guys come up with this stuff?

This cartoon once again showed how when we point a finger at someone or something, there are three fingers pointing right back at us. The condemnation of Newsweek by the Whitehouse is just amazing. It shows that they lack the ability to remember their past. Forget about learning it then. The repeat button is stuck on. Ground Hog Day siamese twinned to Caddyshack starring Dubya Shrubbed as Bill Murray. The Iraquis are just gophers ruining our golf course in the desert. Everyday's just like the first, gotta blow up those gophers. Same time, same channel, same day.

My own cartoon that has only been drawn in my mind: (A cluster of flys stuck on fly paper which resembles the desert) Fly paper has Middle East scrawled on it. Caption reads: support the flies.

More paradoxes coming out of the mouth of the commander of state sponsored terror: stem cell research. Suddenly, W is all about the sacredness of life. Hmmm, by golly, aren't you the same fella who took a bunch of false information, lies, manufactured data to further an agenda to gain control over significant sources of oil at the expense of thousands of innocent human civilian live? Aint chu the same fella that allowed and allows the wanton torture of sacred human life?

I remember a stolen election, constitutional ejection and staged inspections, I remember unsubstantiated accusations, grassy knole illustrations and media manipulations. I remember to read lips and who sank their own ships to blame it on the fall guy. Now you can buy a six million dollar fan to share some of the hot air. Now you got a bionic eye that lets you see the Cat's Eye Nebula, Titan's atmosphere and Paris Hilton's underwear but still you cannot see feel or hear your own heart.
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