Monday, February 21, 2005

Hoop shots and swollen rivers

The filming of the Hip Happening Hoops dvd went smoothly. I caught a few glimses of Dianna on the monitor and was impressed. She's very photogenic. Because Tony and I had already recorded the track, there was no pressure. Lip syncing a didj is pretty easy. Tony, though, had to match his drumming with the track - which was played through a boom box. Tablas are a very complex instrument and require a great deal of focus. Tablas consist of two drums and are played with fingers, palms and sliding the hand. They originate in India. Tony comes from Lebannon. It was fun to be on camera in front of the bright lights. For one of the shots, a cameraman sat on a skateboard and then shot us as he rolled by. Our little scene only lasts for 3 minutes or so. Thus, Tony and I were only needed for 2 and a half hours and we were able to make the meeting on time. I had a bit of trepidation about this one. We just had one on Thursday. Our meetings are done council style. We sit in a circle and each person gets an opportunity to speak. Who ever calls the meeting determines the topic. At the last second, the topic was changed. It turns out that Prana had been badmouthing Bill's girlfriend and Bill heard it via the grape vine. When Bill spoke with Skip about this, Skip advised Bill that this was not an appropriate use of council. So the council just turned into a check in and a get to know Tony - who'll be joining this community late in March. After the meeting, relieved expressions were exchanged. Not every one knew who was on the hot seat and were afraid it might be them. All in all, it shows how the information is flowing just like the course of a river. When there's alot of talk it floods and the information flows over the river banks. I just got back from a hike with some friends. We trekked up the Pratt Trail and had to turn around because of the swollen river.

1 waves:

Blogger Dij said...

This hike was just a couple miles but all vertical. Ordinarily, I don't bring any food just H2O.

9:47 AM  

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