Friday, March 04, 2005

How I got dragged by wolves

The Ojai Foundation provided the exact environment I needed at the time to help build my own personal foundation. Marlo was one of three directors that the TOF had at that time (1999). They each had a 4 month stint once a year. Marlo kept two wolf dogs in an enclosed pen. One of the wolves weighed 140 pounds and was 85% wolf and the rest malumut. The other was the mother and weighed 120 and was just over 90% wolf. Part of me identified with these amazing wild animals stuck in a 4 by 10 cage. I began to walk and run with them every day, feed them and clean their cage of their feces as well. No one was doing anything except throwing food at them. I'll always remember the powerful mythological feeling I received when walking these gorgeous animals. I loved them so much. They would lick me, my face, my bald head. They oozed untamed beauty. I'd secure the leashes together and jog behind them. The mother was much more wild and so I'd always keep her leashed. Her son would race around the hills but stay within earshot. One day I bounded behind the mother as she flew over the shrubs and gopher holes. I'd jump with her and let the leash pull me thru the air. One night around dusk we were moving along in this fashion and she caught a ground squirrel. She broke it's neck with her jaw before I knew she'd caught it. Another time the 3 of us were flying down a coyote trail and we caught up to a coyote. Some how some way I lost my focus. I will always regret the day they both got out. Their pen had a 2 gate system. On this day the mom jumped up and opened the latch, her son pushed on the door and they were both gone... down to the Happy Valley boarding school. I dash after them terrified at what might happen, screaming to no avail. When I get there, no one is around except a nice maintenence dude. We walk around together and find blood. He says he will call when he finds out what is bleeding. All the kids are away for the day so I guess I was lucky in that respect. On the way back I find the wolves and they let me leash them and I take them back to their cage. Within a few hours I learn that a big 100 pound puppy had been attacked and severely injured. Three days later I'm running down the long dirt driveway/road that connects TOF to highway 150. I've got both leashes secured together and the wolves are happy to be running again. Suddenly, 2 dogs from the Happy Valley Foundation appear, the wolves immediately bolt after the 2 dogs. I try to keep up but it is no use. There is no way that I will let go of the leash because of what transpired three days ago. I'm sliding along on my feet trying to slow them down, the ground gets rocky with stones imbedded in the dirt. I dive on my shoulder and now I am being dragged by wolves. I still don't let go of the leash. I scream. They stop.