Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Daisy is Houdini

Today's drama involved Daisly, a yellow lab who I am watching for a week. Sheba, a smaller, older black lab type lives with her as well. So, it's just these two dogs and me hanging out for a week. When I got the call to house sit, I thought: cool, nice pad, make some bucks, watch a little tv and catch up on the latest advertising ploys... Of course, I forgot that Daisy can be a handful.

Weed wacking was my random job of the day. I don't do this very often. Just here and there. I am the side job king of Ojai and enjoy the wide variety of jobs that come my way. Drive someone to the airport one day, next day, be featured in a dvd, host a yoga retreat, perform with the didjeridoo, mow a lawn, unclog a shower head, assist a carpenter remodeling the kitchen... you get the picture. So, I am at my friend, John's, wacking some weeds when I get a call from Cindy. She just got a call from a school just down the street saying that Daisy is there. I put down the wacker and hop on my CBR 900 and zip to the school. I'm there in a few minutes. Daisy's inside a small fenced in area with another yellowish dog that's a pitbull - super demure and friendly. They arrived at the school together but leave separately. I walk her back, put her inside the yard, close the gate. Sheba's happy to see her friend and they wag tails at eachother. I get about 50 feet away and turn around to see Daisy making a beeline to me. She doesn't try to get away from me for too long, I take her back inside the gate, to the backyard and tie her up.

An hour later I have finished up the weed trimming task and hop back on the bike and zoom back on to the estate. The time to surf has arrived. Bryce picks me up. On the way to the ocean we stop to get my longboard at some friends' abode. Simon, crazy little beagle with Alzheimers, tries to bite me. I've pet this angry little pooch for hours but he's got some kind of grudge or something.

The waves are blown out but I surf them any way for like 30 minutes before the endless paddling against the current finally takes its toll on my out of shape lats. I catch some white water wave which conveniently takes me to the edge of the shore where I jump off onto my feet. I end up having to wait 30 minutes for Bryce. He decided not to surf and went for a walk. The wind was blowing and the temp was cold enough so I could close my eyes and pretend I was in antartica fighting off hypothermia. Bryce finally arrives, wearing shorts and an easy smile. He drops me off and we say our good-byes.

Time for some dinner. Farmer and the Cook is my #1 eating spot. Everything they sell is organic. Just as I finish my salad, I get a call from Michael Costello. He's got Daisy. She walked into the place where he works, The Antique Mall. probably looking for Cindy. Uggh, expletive under my breath, pause, oh well. Lucky it was close by. Cruise on bike, arrive at Antique Mall. Walk Daisy home. Walk back and retrieve motorcycle.

Today's essay question: How do the 2 previous posts apply?

1 waves:

Blogger Dij said...

Maybe 10 other surfers within 55 yards. This board is 8 ft long, 21 1/4 wide and 3 1/4 thick. Deep long breaths every day, more so today? maybe...

4:33 PM  

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