Thursday, May 12, 2005

Lucy's moment of freedom

No money? no home? no job? no biggey - just relax. There's another way around the whole basic needs game. Have you ever heard of house sitting? Its a nice gig if you like having a sweet house, a food filled pantry and a big flat screen 60 inch TV hanging on the wall like a giant painting. And of course there's wifi too you knucklehead.

What's the catch? There isn't one. You do like cats, right? I want you to meet your new meal ticket, Lucy. Lucy is a grey long-haired feline who knows which side of the bread gets buttered - hers. All you gotta do is feed her, give her massages and tell her how beautiful she is. It's sort of like girlfriend practice.

The owners of the house are Lucy's servants. Their a little over zealous. Due to all the automobile activity, they will only let the cat outside if she has a big long leash on. Yeah, I know, it's kind of weird to treat a cat like a dog. What happens if a big ass german shepherd decides to chase after her while she's all chained up? two words: shark bait.

Lucy definitely does not get off on the leash fetish routine but she accepts it grudgingly - until today. The lawn care crew arrives with leaf blowers and weed wackers and begin their assault on weeds and leaves. Oops, Lucy is not digging all the raquet, she's out of there like Houdini.

Now it's time to worry about where the damn cat went. Walk around the neighborhood, ask evryone you meet if they've seen a long-haired cat. No body's gonna notice a tiny cat but ask them all anyway, it'll make you feel better. No sign of her, oh well, she'll show up when she's hungry I bet.

ALLRIIIGHT! What's that? Oh, she's in the closet hiding. She must have dashed back in the house when the weekly display of gasoline powered noise began. Ahh, what a relief. You know, Lucy really likes you. Listen to her purr.