Monday, May 09, 2005

Emotional remnants

I drove Bill's Volvo into Ventura to pick up the vacuum from the repair department of Sears. It was about 30 days ago that I dropped that sucker off. When I get there, once again, I am dealing with this woman who was pretty miserable the last time I was there. She continued with the same vibe that I remembered. It all came back to me then. Their computer system was down. This caused a problem because then they did not know if we had a warranty for the vacuum. If not then they needed $$. I ask to speak to the manager. The manager has totally diferent attitude and takes the vacuum. So any way, back to the present, I just keep smiling thru the misery of this woman. Of course she hits me with: "We called to get a confirmation on a 10 dollar fee, no one ever called us back." I keep smiling, unsurprised that my little drive might be for naught. Ms. Misery says: "I'll have them check in the back, maybe its here. Please wait out in the lobby."

While sitting on a bench in the lobby, I see these red signs on the swinging doors I'd just walked thru. They say "no admittance" and "authorized personelle only". It dawns on me then that I have been ignoring their protocal. That could explain the frosty reception.

Five minutes later, Ms. Misery is all smiles. "Here's your vacuum sir." She makes a point of going over the receipt and showing all the things the repair guys did. They did a very thorough job and went beyond just fixing the broken swivel part.

I'm back on the 101 going North, listening to music. Its totally uneventful until just before the highway ends. Some burly looking neanderthal type, beard, long hair in an old GM pickup tries to pass me on the right. He's uable to and makes a big fuss over it. His face wears the mask of rage which he directs at me. I put my hands up and shrug, clueless as to why he's directing this anger towards me. He gives me the finger. I don't do anything except just keep driving. Its pretty rare that I am subjected to random tantrums. For a little while, I can feel the emotional remnants peppering my aura but soon it fades away.

Road rage seems to become an issue on these So Cal freeways in cycles. A couple drivers have been shot in the last few months but not up here. I did think of this though and it probably added to my non reaction motivation.

Yin yoga with Kira was super grounding. While laying flat on my back in corpse pose, I had a few dreams. I love when this happens. It means I had a very relaxing class.

The night concluded with me watching a movie: "I am David". This is a good movie. I definitely reccomend it.

Once I hit the freeway, a message on the dashboard said: "performance is reduced". Sure enough, I could feel a difference in the responsiveness of the engine. The car stalled at a light on the way there and while driving thru a light on the way back it to town. Kind of freaky. First Skip's Toyota now Bill's Volvo; I guess I'll stick to the motorcycle.