Thursday, May 05, 2005

Master slacker Trish update

Its time for an update on one of the local legends and eccentrics that help keep this town interesting and bloggable. The character I'd like to discuss is Trish. There's an earlier account I posted about Trish called: "100% Slacker perfection". Although that was a fairly recent post (month or 2 ago), the actual event took place more than a year ago. Rest assured, her latest transition is fresh, still warm out of the oven of experience.

A few weeks ago, Trish moved once again. Please, do not worry. She's still in Ojai. After Trish was evicted from her home by her landlord Richard (a BMW driving lawyer), she ended up at her friend's (Iratia) house. She was only supposed to stay there a month but lets face it, Trish is a master slacker. She ended up living there a year! AND she did not pay any rent. How do you do it Trish? She smokes American Spirit cigarettes and paints relentlessly for days at a time. She has difficulty ending a painting and will keep adding layer after layer. Trish mostly paints women - one at a time. She'll paint a face and then paint another one over it and then another one over it and so on and so on...

Some how, Trish managed to live in a trailer with no electricity in the backyard with her big black smelly dog Cloey who recently passed away - R.I.P. She also had a couple snakes, which she'd allow to come and go as they pleased. These snakes became a big source of tension between Trish and her benefactor - Iratia.

Interestingly enough, I think I was present when the proverbial straw (snake poo) broke the benefactor's back so to speak. We were watching some cable TV most of us sitting on couches. Suddenly, Iratia's nose crinkles and she exclaims, "What's this!" We all look to see that Iratia has lifted the pillow her head had been resting on to reveal a classically shaped piece of snake poop. I remember laughing a bit at the complete and utter absurdity of Iratia watching TV with a piece of snake poo an inch from her head. Oh, by the way, snakes are carnivores and their shit stinks! Iratia looks at Trish for an explanation. It’s important to know that Iratia is very uncomfortable around snakes. in fact she doesn't even want them in the house.

Trish reacts in a bitchy tone "What, who cares, I'll clean it up, don't worry about it."

I remember thinking: this can’t last...

A couple weeks ago, Trish moved out of Iratia's trailer and into Danny M's trailer. Danny had upped the rent and the 3 dudes living there all decided to move out instead of paying what they all felt was overpriced. Mario is still in town and moved several blocks away. Matt's a recently transplanted east coaster who has returned to Virginia. Then there's Rob. Rob's kind of a mini veteran of the Ojai scene. Rob used to sublet a room at Trish's before she became a master slacker. He'd water her lawn, garden, feed the dogs and pay a big chunk o' rent.

Trish and Rob thus pulled a switch a roo maneuver. Rob went to Iratia's trailer in the backyard and Trish ended up at Danny's. It’s not over yet for Trish because Danny's going to take his Honda Civic to Hawaii in a week. Trish has had use of this vehicle for the past 2 years except when Danny's in town, which is, like 2 weeks every 6 months. Trish is also supposed to move out and find somewhere else to live. I can't see that happening - come on, she's a master slacker.

A couple days ago, Trish and I sat on the small wooden deck that quaintly frames the (temporarily?) Trish trailer. We sat on chairs that face the small home made pond and listened to the fountain's endless chuckling. I asked, "Are you going to stay here when Danny leaves?"

"No, I have to go in a couple days."

"Where to?"

"I don't know. Somewhere."

"Well, you can stay here until you figure it out."

Trish just smiles as if she's got other things on her mind. She stubs out her American Spirit cigarette and we say goodbye.

2 waves:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's great to hear that Trish is still in Ojai! This place wouldn't be the same without her. I live across the street from where she got evicted. I only hung out with her a couple of times, the last being the night of cleaning and packing before she left, of course the gang spent most of the time drinking and talking till the sun came up. It was quite a night.

We really miss her, there was always something cooking at her place, sort of the soul of the block, it gave you the warm fuzzies just knowing she was there keeping it real.

When you see her next, tell her blond-haired Joe from across the street says "Hi!" Hopefully we'll run into each other again one day.

10:25 AM  
Blogger Dij said...

Super Joe,
Those are some very kind words for Trish. I'll pass on your hello, rest assured.

6:30 PM  

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