Friday, June 03, 2005

Breaking news

Many people are reacting as if this is a joke. Others are pulling out their hair and ringing their hands. While other folks are staring up at the heavens saying things like: "Why God? How can you let this happen?" Police are bracing for riots and retalitory behaior. Maybe you have seen the increase in police presence, we call this saturation. Johnny Depp has been replaced by Michael Jackson for the role of Willie Wonka in the remake of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Seems like a perfect fit don't you think?

I think they should have Jim Carrie costar in this potential blockbuster. They can graft Mask to the factory and come up with an orginal movie. Every time Carrie puts on the mask, he turns into Jacko. Instead of the mask they can use a white glove. This could be a good time to bring back the moonwalk. I can easily picture the new Wonka dancing with the oompa oompas. They can spoof Thriller. Its endless, what do you think?