Sunday, December 18, 2005

Scrabble mania

Went thru my tai chi form 6 times aound noon on the tennis court. This ultimate martial art practice never ceases to amaze me in the subtle impact it has on my sense of well being. One of the things we learn from this art is the more subtle something is the more powerful it actually is. The wind is blowing, I can hear the swell crashing on the reef and various SUVs travel up the road. By the fifth time around this 2300 year old exercise, it becomes indescribably effortless and pleasant as I consciously feel my center of balance drop from my shoulders to hips. Afterwards, I face and thank the four directions.

Upon arriving in Hawaii, I decided to check out an anagram generator. I've always had a peripheral fascination with anagrams and it suddenly occurred to me that there had to be a generator for this kind of thing. I've been playing with my full name and the results were kind of startling. One of my faves is: ENHANCE BRAIN MEEKLY. This certainly makes me think of the gentle exercise: tai chi. There were many so I'll just give you my A list. ABLE HACK INNER ENEMY; BRAHMEN KEY LENIENCE; A BENCH MERLIN YANKEE; ABLE ENRCH KEEN MANY.

The upshot of my anagram interest has had the unforseen impact of improving my Scrabble game.

We ended up playing Scrabble at Brother Bri's; this time it was a 4 person game. It took place at Bri and Arltete's admidst the inevitable commotion due to the presence of happy children. Neighbors stopped by and we shot the breeze while the Scrabble board on the lazy Susan spun around in clockwise circles.

Arlete dipped pretzels in chocolate and they tasted delicious. Bri ended up aiding Arlete while also keeping an eye on Vivi and Vini. The game was close until the end and I knew that who ever went out first would probably win. This game was played without the egg timer and without the scrabble dictionary, 'kinda like playing nekid', in the middle of the game I was drowning in vowels and the Atlete/Bri team built a small lead after captalizing on some good letter draws. I managed to stay within range thru good fortune because I was stuck with all vowels. Towards the end I drew an S and a J. "Yeah, finally!" I could not help saying. This made a big difference and put me in the lead. With a slight lead, I managed to get ride of my last 3 letters, victory insured; it was only a matter determing the actual score for posterity's sake: 147. Bri and Arlete were over 20 points away in second and the folks did not crack one hundred.

I read a cool article today in the local newspaper about wooden surfboards making a come back. On the same page was an aritcle about prosthetic legs having computer chips in them. Quite an interesting contrast. 40 years ago, there were still wooden legs. It is nice to see that the bionic leg has arrived.