Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Scrabble upset

Two more Scrabble game were completed tonight - the first one while Vivi amused herself with some of the toys that the folks have stashed for days like this. Thru out the first game we could hear her singing and talking as she role played, animating the various stuffed animals and action figures. I started out with some good stuff, held on to the lead and wrapped it up by going out first and scoring 217. Mom just missed, scoring a 211 and Dad finished 'solidly in third'. For me, I've been chasing the elusive BINGO (this is what happens when you use all 7 tiles and get a 50 point bonus). I was so close but my word knowledge is basically illiterate when it comes to the jargon that one can find in the Official Scrabble Dictionary.

Game two began with Dad ominously proclaiming that he's gonna win this one, "I'm due," he says. The first thing we do is randomly pick a tile out of the bag to determine the order. Generally, it is thought that the person who goes first has the advantage. Mom pulls an A, Dad pulls a B and I reach in the red sack and... grab the blank. In my book this means I go first but the folks shoot this idea down like smashing a fly with a swatter. My next letter is an N. This means I am last.

Dad maintains a strong lead thru most of the game while Mom sits first 14 behind in second and then 20. Meanwhile, your humble narrator, yeah, that's me alright, lags at least 30 points behind holding up third like a soggy cat who fell in the ocean but has managed to swim out and lie dazed on the shore.

Then a turn around happens. Dad openly starts weighing what he should do. He's got a power letter, the J. He does not want to give me any kind of opportunity. He says that he has learned that I get a lot of points by adding on to things. So, against his better judgement and to my surprise he puts down JADE - opening the possibility for me to add an S and putting down the word RIVERS (nearly missing a BINGO!!) but still racking up 40 points thanks to a triple word square. After this move I am only 1 point behind. It looks like I am going to get out first... but then Dad starts scouring the Official dictionary and is able to get 18 points by adding on to various words. The most obscure was ATT. I then go out first and collect the points from the straggling tile. This only totals out to 7. Dad wins his first Scrabble game of the winter season: 191 to my second 185 and Mom's third 141.

When I woke up today I did a bunch of tai chi on the tennis court. I had it to myself for a little bit and then a group of young males walked on to the court and started to hit some balls around. I kept moving thru the form and used it as an apportunity to keep focussed. I would have moved if they cared at all. Another little test came in the form of a 5 year old boy coming up to me repeatedly, asking me what I am doing and then trying to start up a conversation. I gently and with few words let him know I was busy. Several times he started doing his version of Karate moves and saying "HEYAAH!" I just stayed focussed and felt some compassion for his predicament. Seems like he's got some needs. But don't we all?

No surfing today, I thought about it. East side of Turtle Bay was looking like there were some rideable waves. Big paddle out thru some rough waves over reef that I am not familiar with. This, like I said, no surfing. Yesterday's ding on my head translated to an even bigger ding on my board. I am going to have to buy some ding repair.

Current Scrabble record: 6 wins 2 losses