Saturday, March 05, 2005

Separation illusion

The current debate concerning the Ten Commandments being displayed in government buildings has opened quite an interesting can of worms from this blogger’s perspective. The separation of church and state is the rallying cry of those who’d like the 10 to be removed. Other’s say there is no mention of the church and state within the constitution. Why is this such a hot topic? The Christian influence on the current regime in power in the United States seems to be quite prominent. The pseudo president, Shrub, has openly stated that he is born again with one face and then massacred over 100,000 innocent civilians with another face. Machiavelli would be proud (of himself for predicting this in the 14 century). I like to think that the Supreme Court has established that it thinks that there is a semi separation of church and state. I base this on the various cases that it has reviewed. For the sake of focus, I will come from the angle that we have played lip service to the separation of church and state. If you just use your fingernail to scrape the surface than it becomes obvious that there is not one. We place our hand on a Bible in the court of law before we testify. “... under God…” is found in the Pledge of Allegiance. Various courts have allowed students to not have to recite this classic example of indoctrination for religious reasons. The constitution does mention freedom of religion. This is a two-edged sword that can be used by either side. What if someone worships a god who does not want to be mentioned? A god who does not want rules posted in public settings? This is the can of worms that I find interesting. This can makes me think of lamination physics. This type of physics explores the concept of boundaries in the physical world. What it finds is that there is no clear point of where objects begin and where they end. The movie, Ihearthuckabees illustrates this concept when one of the existential detectives tries to show the protagonist that separation is an illusion. I am fascinated that this issue is being debated now while we wage war in the Middle East for oil in the name of Jesus. One fear that I have heard and read about in speculative fiction is the possibility of a theosophist state taking control of the US government. It seems to me that this has already happened. What the current mockery of democracy carpetbaggers want is more power and control to remain insulated in their own monkeysphere. They seem to believe in an apocalypse. I think they lack imagination, hope and confidence in humanity. A collective manifestation of their own individual death wish and low self esteem. They do not know what love is. They’re ruled by fear and lack the tool of introspection. The blind leading the blind. The one-eyes know when to hide.