Sunday, June 05, 2005

World Thirst Day

Sunday began with random folks walking into the room I was sleeping in. Estimated time: before 8. Consequence: I put the covers over my head. Some people would leave the door open and I could clearly hear the loud conversations in the kitchen. I thought about the "Dear guest" statement of estate rules that I put on every bed. I thought how it says in bold: silence until 9:30 AM. Oh well, I guess no one ever reads that thing. Too bad, try to get some sleep.

After getting things back into order, I enter the yoga studio. The yoga feels so good and puts me into a calm alpha state. Just as I finish, Lynn and Dee enter. Lynn says good bye. Dee and I are doing an exchange. She's an energy worker. I set up the massage table and close my eyes. My experience consisted of drifting into dreams and then waking. I did not feel much but sensed that something was going on. As I sat up I had a sense of relief behind my eyes like some space had opened up. Afterward, Dee said that a bunch of energy came out of my ankle. She said that there was many many spiders in my eyes which she cleared out along with tons of webs. Finally, she said that there was a major release of something and that it was difficult for her to handle. I remember hearing her twitch and teeth chatter when this was happening. In exchange, I gave her a didj vibration session which only lasted for 10 minutes. She said that she was "too sensitive" after the energy work. Whenever I got near her head I sensed that she was uncomfortable and so I was not surprised. Note: She did not know about the webs that Lynn spoke of the day before. Quite an interesting overlap.

Lots of blueberry cornbread, coffee cake and chicken shish-ka-bobs left over for the hungry. Speaking of hungry, I just remembered that world hunger day is coming up. Monday or Tuesday - I think. My own personal take on this is that I will fast. Yes, you heard me correctly. It is a perfect day to not eat any food. I will drink water and vegetable juice though. Maybe I'll have a fruit smoothie. Does any one Know if there is a world thirsty day? If there isn't then I predict that Kook-A-Cola or Pesky Cola will be starting one soon. Maybe Bud(not)wiser will start one. Of course, they'll (Bud.) use some kind of talking fish or skate boarding frog to kick of world thirsty day. But of course, their target audience will be adults as opposed to children, silly.

Excuse me, I digress. Now where were we? Oh yeah, tonight I got wind of a birthday party for Tree. Happy Birtday Tree! She turned 29. We all know what that means. Last year before the big 3-0. Time to live it up honey! Well, I have to say, Tree was living it up tonight. The party took place just down the road from here. It was kind of low key when I arrive. The party started at 2 and was women only till after 7. When Mike Brown and I arrived, the girls were all in that been drinking all day mode, dancing, group hugging, friendly, flirtateous.

I did not consume any alcohol, just took in the scene and danced a bit to the chill out dance music.

At one point, Nick takes my photo with his digital camera. All you can see was my silouette from the heart up. The rest was all lost in a blue fog. He thought this was significant and gave me a mantra to chant. He said alot of cool things that were quite nice and encouraged me to strive for helping all living beings to experience heaven in the now, like a bridge.