Saturday, June 04, 2005

You sunk my battleship - thanks

The latest rental to take place involved a wedding. No wedding activities took place here but this is where half the attendees slept and ate most of their meals. The wedding took place this morning at Meditation Mount. Just as the bride and groom were taking their vows, the sun melted the blanket of clouds and the sky became blue. Many of the guests then went on a wine tour.

Several folks chose to nap and relax. Among them were Lynn and Steve. Lynn and I had decided to exchange services that we offer. She is a hand analyst and I give didjeridoo vibration sessions. I arrived at the appointed time expecting tardiness. I played for a round 15-20 minutes and then Lynn arrived with Steve whom I'd agreed to vibrate simultaneously. We decided that I'd have my hand analyzed first.

As we sat around the pool area, Lynn studied my hand and talked outloud as she found the characteristics which formed the basis of her interpretation. The key to unlock my block is my style of handling emotions as they come up. If I do not express what I am feeling, the emotion does not disappear, it gets stored in a "receptacle". When the "receptacle" is full, I then become "reactive". This equates to Freud's concept of displacement. What happens here is that I over react in situations where I experience stress and take it out on others that are unrelated to the original experience. She explained that there is a window of time to express emotion in the moment: 3-10 seconds. She went over a few other areas as well. The lines in my hand told her that I am wired to be an artist in the spotlight and that I have a unique message that needs to be heard. Steve had insight as well about a lump I have in my left hand. It lies at the cross of my midline (work relationship) and heartline. He said that it shows where I am blocked and is blowing up as a consequence of blocking the flow of emotion. Lynn said that my work and who I am are synonymous. She also said that I have a mind that needs to be solving complex problems. If I am not regularly utilizing my ability to process vast amounts of information then I will create mental webs which will potentially snare, snag and slow me down.

The experience kind of reminded me of the game Battleship. Lynn and Steve clearly sunk most of my ships. She left me with a technique which will help me take the steps I need to in order to achieve greater authenticity in the moment with my emtions. Its a triad. One is to identify the emotion. Two is to display the emotion. Three is to communicate the emotion. Whew!

In return, I gave them both a simultaneous didj vibration session. I instructed them on a breathing technique, taught them how to circular breathe (without an instrument) and sent them in the yoga studio. Fifteen minutes later I enter the large room and begin playing Elephant Didj. This particular didj was made by my friend, Paul Human. They sat back to back on cushions with their legs crossed. I began with a deep drone. As the breath began to warm up I began to chant: "Om mani padme hum. Om ah hum. Om shiva. Om Shiva Shakti. Om gati gati para gati para sumu gati Bohdi Svah ha..." I then aimed the didj at various chakras. First the anahata, then the ajna, then the third, then second and then the root. The Wormhole Didj called to me. This didj is about 8 and a half feet long. I played it over their heads, moved it back and forth like a giant magic wand and sang. Next the slide didj. I stationed it at the C# location and played a song of love with the barest vibration of my lips and the softest song on my vocal chords.

They seemed so good together that I just assumed they were married. Thirty minutes later, I saw them by the jacuzzi as I turned on the various lights around the grounds. Steve called out "Hello" and they waved me over. They had a glow about them and smiled at me. Lynn held up her hand showing a golden ring with a green peridot and said "Look what you've done." Incredulously, I just stare, thinking did they just get engaged, but not wanting to say it. So Lynn does: "We're getting married. Steve proposed 10 minutes after you didjed us. Thankyou."

"Wow, I am honored." This is a first. What a trip. And I never left home.