Saturday, December 31, 2005

Firey ending, watery start

I am in the basement and can hear everyone above me talking as they wait in line for their catered dinner tonight. The main dish is Morrocan Stew which happens to be a favorite of mine. The rain had been falling today. Not as much as Nor Cal got but enough to keep me indoors until Tony gave me a lift up here to the ole estate.

The heater failed in one of the yurts. It just cannot go all day and night. Not enough battery storage. Thus, I had to take up some backups that just run on propane.

Bill is sick as a dog. He's vomiting and has other symtoms. Anyway, this led him to give me a call and get me in sooner. Lucky the rain stopped before I got up here. Made my job so much easier.

When I went up to get some food, I was a bit late and missed out. Oh well, left room for the insanely decadent chocolate cake which I ate too too mush of although I do not seem to feel it now. Possible chocolate hangover tomorrow.

Just finished performing with the band: Shaman's Dream. They were great, very tight, strong energy. I never felt like I got in synch with them. I had difficulty figuring out the key and did not have Tony telling me so I just mostly hung in the background. In the beginning I was part of it though. Tony was awesome and so was Dom. These guys are all pros. There was a dress code. everyone had to wear white clothing. This is what Micheline asks all the retreatants and musicians to do for the New Year's Eve show every year. It gives a cool ambience with a cultish undertone.

After the performance, I went down to the kiva where everyone silently watched the fire like it was a great TV show. The only sound was the crackling of burning firewood and the occasional sizzle of sage leaves and pine needles as each person ritualistically thru them into the flames. I stayed there until 2006 began with coyotes singing their ancient song, fire works exploding and humans counting down the last 10 seconds before yelling out with joyful abandon. Then I slipped up the back wall and made my way down to the jacuzzi.

When I got there, the soakers were all making a raquet, so I had to put on the noise-police hat, flash my badge and gently ask them to keep down the volume. They graciously acquiesced and invited me into the hot, steaming water.

The new year has begun in a subtley beautiful way for me. I feel content and at peace with myself. More so than I can remember feeling in quite a long while. I think Hawaii is some good medicine for me. I remain in limbo as far as where I am going to live and what I am going to drive. All I know is that I'll have a house sit and vehicle starting on January 15th. Until then, I will play it by ear.

2 waves:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Didj! Keep on writin'... best, tyler

3:44 PM  
Blogger Newsandseduction said...

well written.

11:57 PM  

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