Monday, January 02, 2006


I fall asleep with the rain drumming on the roof
of the trailer
after finally tearing my attention
away from the book
and turning off the flashlight.
The percussion of rain awakens me
along with a wind that makes me miss Hawaii.

Highlove calls after hearing my phone message
Ends up picking me up
in his white truck.
He wears a black motorcycle jacket
and a black Australian cowboy hat
We run an errand.
He carries sandbags
onto his mother's roof to hold down a tarp
while the wind blows
I hold the ladder.

We end up at Farmer and the Cook
for lunch. Wind gusts send water spraying
on John as he talks to a woman.
He smiles and shines
like he is on the bow of a ship.
He tells of how folks are running cars on coconut oil
and kerosine somewhere in the Phillipines...

The chill sends me in through the door
where I build my salad and mosey into the dining area

Dawsen arrives with Derek.
He wears an Eddie Bauer plastic rain suit - matching pants and jacket.
I notice how wet he is "Are you walking?'
"Yeah, I need to find a place to park my van - permanently. Then I'll walk everywhere."
"Are you having some trouble up the hill?"
"Yeah, we had a big fight... the whole family... Kelly slapped me a couple times... Yeah,
I just want to find a place to park my van and my trailer. I'll fill them up with all my stuff
and just walk everywhere."