Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Pyramid repairs

Just spent another night sleeping in the geodesic dome. Right now, it is more of a storage structure than anything else. There's not electricity and no running water. These basic elements of foundation are just a hop, skip and a jump up the barranca, though.

Last night, eight or nine of us had a pot luck at Steven's house. The food was great and the company spectacular. Highlove came through with an amazing dessert - ice cream, chocolate sauce, sprinkles and to top it all off: an aphrodisiac chocolate. After the meal I soaked in the hot tub with Sherry and Mark. This hot tub is cleaned with an ozonator. Outstanding idea!

Mark agreed to take me home. His love for conversation kept us there till almost 11 and so I said that I'd start work at 9:30.

When I awoke, the heat surprised me. The weather we have been having here is off the charts hot. When it is already in the high sixties before 9 AM, then you better be prepared for a hot February day.

I cruise down the hill on my CBR 900 and don't turn on the engine till I get to the first stop sign. Might as well let the neighbors sleep. I arrive at the remodeling job where Anthony and Marley are putting up the siding. Mark sidles over, gives me some tools and a back pack to put them in and then I am out of there, off to the skate board park for some more repair work.

After being there for an hour or so, I can really feel the heat. Unbelievabley, it must have been in the 90's. It was way hot. BUt this did not deter me from going for it. Where talking about a lot of screws here. My basic task involved putting the Pyramid back together - well somewhat put together. Inititally, screwed in 4 or 5 sheets of skate light, then I hammered in a bunch of plywood and then I pieced together some of the skate light and screwed it all in. I called it an early day, finishing at 4:30 after getting as far as I could. So, I know what I shall be doing tomorrow.

Exxon just announce that their profits for the last quarter are 37 billion - a new corporate world record. My question is: Why are they subsidised by the U.S. government?
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