Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Organized deceit

A few years ago or so, The Rampart Police division was being prosecuted under the Rico Act. This act was created in the 70's to combat organized crime. It gave the feds a great deal of power to speed up the process of prosecution. It was known as racqueteering laws. I used to joke that this should be applied to the police in the various cities where corruption is as widespread as a forest fire. I was totally shocked when I read in the newspaper (LA Times) that Rampart was being prosecuted under the Rico Act. I thought: this is the beginning of the end as we know it of criminal justice in America. I guess someone else thought the same, someone with some major pull, because the whole story disappeared. What many of the police in this division were being investigated for was classic organized crime: extortion, murder etc.. Yesterday, it occurred to me that just like the Rico Act turning around and biting the master, (so to speak), the Patriot Act could do the same. It seems obvious to many Americans that the current regime in power are in fact terrorists. Cheney and Rumsfield are both infamous manufacturers of fear within the USA. This can be traced back to the cold war. They have numerous conflicts of interest which make their decision making policies predictable, criminal and traceable. These guys represent the sectors and complexes which profit from war, misery and fear. It is their job to fan the flames of anxiety. They have a vested interest in horror. How can they be expected to make decisions when they are so biased? On the other hand, we can trace the rising curve of culture-generated-fear as a biproduct of the advertising arms race. Humans become vulnerable to impressions after they've been traumatized. That's why the average kid's cartoon will have 16 acts of violence per half hour. It's why major television networks have seen a 300 to 400 percent rise in violent crime on their news programs during the past 10 years when FBI statistics have show a 30 year decline in violent crime in the USA. As time goes by, people become sensitized to the violence. The solution? more violence, more death, more horror. It happens in cycles and inevitably leads to the ultimate catastrophe: the apocalypse. So, in conclusion I suggest we get a super special prosecuter and use the Patriot Act to help us tap the phones and read the emails of the head terrorists in charge. And just for laughs, lets wire all the nuclear bombs together so they can be set off with one button. Then we can give the button to the Pope. Happy Birthday!