Sunday, October 23, 2005

Full moon Sunday

[Kauai, edge of Kalalau Valley, October 20, 2002]

Robert left the warmth of our bon fire and walked down the beach to visit the folks who'd started their own fire 50 yards away. They were obviously card carrying members of the hippie party tribe. Leaf, a dred locked crusty, wore his anger and low self esteem as if it was a golden tuxedo as he spoke with bitter intensity about musical recording techniques and equipment. "4 minute loop machines, 4 track, 8 track, 16 track, Roland, Moog... I was there, now I am here, has anyone seen my underwear? hardey har har!"

Next, was a guy with dyed blond hair and a fondness for conspiracy theories. He spoke of his anger towards Jerry Garcia for checking out of the earth plane game. If he could have, he'd still be following the Grateful Dead around on tour.

This random group of folks, made up of 3 girls and these 2 dudes, were generous, sharing guitars, food - vegetarian burritoes and candy bars. But the night's initial promise dissolved into insecurities and one way streets. I mostly just listened and watched the firelight and shadows dance across the faces of the gathered, seemingly leaving a message unhampered by meaning. I declined partaking in the false high of smoke, played my didj on deaf ears - blessing the semi-damned.

2 waves:

Blogger Alicia Coral said...

Powerful words, didj.

Hey, where are you? Call me...Markus and I don't share communication devices...have him e-mail my phone number to you, ok?

I miss you. My foot work has totally gone south!

-- alicia

8:15 PM  
Blogger Alicia Coral said...

Powerful words, didj.

Hey, where are you? Call me...Markus and I don't share communication devices...have him e-mail my phone number to you, ok?

I miss you. My foot work has totally gone south!

-- alicia

8:16 PM  

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