Friday, October 21, 2005

Three cats and one hot spring

this is an audio post - click to play

As I walked up to my old little abode, the t-house, I heard the familiar “meoow” of Katoolio, my adopted cat on the estate. He was stoked to see me and his tail shot up like a firework and froze in the air as he anticipated some petting. He did not utter another noise, slept on my bed and was woken along with me early the next morning by guests exclaiming over some of the fruit growing. “Oh well,” I thought after uselessly struggling to return to sleepville, “might as well get up.”

I barely had enough time to get some yoga and tai-chi under my belt before Highlove and I needed to check out a possible job. After that we met at the skateboard park for some more repairing. The park never opened yesterday due to the extensive work that needed to be done. I only could put in an hour and forty-five minutes before other things took precedent.

One of them was checking out a ’71 VW bus but it did not suit my needs. I am on the hunt for a Toyota pick up or a Mercedes Van or something along the lines of a Chinnook.

The next task was to drive up into the canyon and meet with my friend Andrea. I am cat sitting for her this weekend. She has three super cool and friendly cats. As I pulled up Ochie, a big five and a half year old, half Maine coon, tailless tomcat, greeted me. It was like he was waiting for me. I am very comfortable with Andrea’s property because has heavy Buddhist influences in the paintings and various artworks scattered thru out and I have done bits of work here and there for almost six years.

The timing is mint. Tomorrow night, I have a gig with Tony Tabla in LA, which will involve us performing, him with the tables, me with the didjeridoo. Supposedly this is going to be a pretty big party, couple hundred people or so. Anyway, it is now time for me to jump in the natural sulfur hot spring with my slidedidge – om.