Saturday, November 05, 2005

Not so friendly wake up call, invigorating surf sesh

Cell phone wakes me. "Ola."

Sunny: "Where's my flashlight, didn't you leave it?"

"Uh, I'll be there in a minute, what time is it?"

"9:20... you sound like shi-"

That's when I hang up on the beach. Actually, though, I'm happy to get up at this time. Wheels start turning. Hmm... I wonder if there could be a market for alarm clocks that wake you up with expletives. It could say things like: "Wake up you wanker." or "Get out of bed you shit." or "What's wrong with you? Don't you know what time it is?" or "Get up and start your day, loser" or "The whole town hates you." It could be a gag gift kind of thing.

Anyway, I slip on some clothes, drive down the hill and pull in front of the house Sunny lives in. Get out of car. Cat greets me. Meows a quest for food, so I feed it. I put the flashlight on the door mat, ring the doorbell and get out of there before she answers - I've already had my allotted expletive from her over the phone. No need to wait for the swarm of bees to show up.

Back up on the estate, turn off some lights, dump some compost, stock some TP. All looks well. Then it's time for some serious business: I need to check the temperature of the jacuzzi. Ooo... it feels pretty good but there is only one way to really know - I soak in it for 30 minutes or so. Yep, jacuzzi is working fine. Then I move on to yoga and tai chi.

Afterwards, I hop on the internet and check the Point's cam. Hmm... looks pretty good. 35 minutes later I am in a surf shop in Ventura buying O'neal booties. Then I'm paddling out. Waves look fun, not too crowded. It's a bit rough but the interval between sets is only around 5 minutes. There's also the occasional shoulder high wave to mix things up. Rather quickly, I catch a five foot wave that gives me a fun 100 yard ride. After that ride, I paddle for a while to get back to my previous position. Booties fit nice and I am statisfied with their performance. I stay out there for around an hour and finally catch my eight wave and ride it into the shore.