Thursday, November 03, 2005

Special tasks, lessons and reverse treatments

Started this day late because of not going to sleep until late. No time for anything except tai chi. Retreat coming up must prepare estate. Never know what tasks will be presented by Bill. While standing outside the office, cleaning the pond, cell phone rings, it's Bill.

"Are you in the basement?"

Bill: "No, I'm in the office."

"Yeah, that's what I meant, I'm standing right outside it."

"Oh, you're already here?!"

End transmission, walk in office. "How's it going?" I ask Bill.

Linda's in there too. Bill gives us some of the details about the upcoming retreat: "It's gonna be wild, they'll be drinking and Tom's a sharp looking guy who's single. You guys are gonna have to keep them under control."

Then Bill gives me some special tasks to take care of: repare cottage bed, take mattress from porch and put in cottage, take futon from cattage and put in yurt, clean plastic windows on sleeping porch and repair the Vista Yurt from damage sustained from big storm last week. The rest of the day is spent on normal preparation.

Thru out the day, the back of my head held the pressure from TMJ's lingering remnants. At times I could feel my dark mood like a cloud of smoke from fossil fuel burning - creating twilight on what would have been a bright sunny day. The end of the day comes as the horizon catches the sun. When I get to Farmer and the Cook, I realize that this is my first meal... hmm... need to eat sooner than 5 PM... maybe my blood sugar was off or something.

Tai chi lesson tonight went well. I am enjoying teaching the form once again. It seems to give me insight that is otherwise unattainable.

Next, I head over to Sunny's for a treatment. She supposed to give me some cranial work along with massage therapy which helps reduce the effects of TMJ. This is in trade for watching the dogs last week end. Turns out her moon is rising and so I end up giving her the 3 hour foot massage to help her feel better. Oh well, hopefully I'll get the treatment tomorrow...

When I get back to Rachie's to hang with Angus, I manage to lock the door with my key in the ignition. I try for a while to get in using a wire that not stiff enough, finally call Sunny for a wire hanger because Rachie does not have any wire hangers! Too much "Mommy Dearest" viewings,I guess. Turns out Sunny has a wire hanger, so I: borrow Rachel's bike, grab hanger at Sunny's and a flashlight too, manage to get in the vehicle within 30 seconds, I won't tell you how though.

Time to go to bed, sheesh!
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