Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Battery reanimated with a little help from my friends

Cell phone interrupts my dream, pop off the couch and learn that it is johnny. "When you gonna get your bike?" he queries.

"Uhh... what time is it?"


"Really? Wow, oh yeah, I was up till 4 last night."

"Well, take your time, I can move it or work around it, I need to get into the shed."

"Do you think the battery's charged?"

"Sure, I'll take it off the charger so it doesn't get too hot."

"Thanks, I'll be there in 30 minutes."

So, I brush the ole teeth, slip on some clothes and make my way out into the world where I can see the sun somewhere near the zenith burning thru some faint haze. After walking for the first 5 minutes, I break into a trot. Cars and SUVs pass me by, know one I know diving them and thus I end up jogging the whole 2 miles or so.

When I reach Johnny's street, I can see him at his mail box. He hears my footfalls, turns and smiles. We walk up his driveway, reach the bike and I give it the test - starts up easily and I can tell the battey has charged. Cool.

Phase two of Tuesday begins with my walking over to Jennifer's - where 2/3 of my belongings have been living under a tarp, under her car port. I go thru some of the stuff, duct tape up a few cracked bins, stuff all the stuff into her Land Cruiser and then I am off, up the hill, to the estate, to my new home - the geodesic dome.

I'd given this relocation some thought and determined that a wheel barrow would be the best tool to help minimize the labor. Down in front of Skip's hovel, I found a wheel barrow. Back at the silver Land Cruiser, I unload some bins, place them in the barrow and stage them at the top of the steps which lead down to the barranca. The process goes quickly and surprisingly smooth. The hardest thing was to carry the wheel barrow down the steps and then up them when everything had been safely placed withing the confines of the dome.

Afterwards, I confer with Bill and learn that a site vis is coming on Thursday. Thus, tomorrow I shall dial in a few different areas on the estate - probably just the external spaces. The fish pond needs to be cleaned, the pool needs some water etc.

Tonight, I am going to a little pot luck at Jen and Kristen's. They live next to horses and goats. This is their last month though; they plan on moving into Kristen's orange VW and going mobile like in the Who song: "Mobile" they'll be "air-conditioned gypsies".