Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Its just like every Friday night you have been experiencing for the past couple years in this small docile town of 8,000. You are on your way to a Pisces party. It is your friend Joanne's birthday. You bought her some super rich dark chocolate. Before you leave the house, you tell Bill about the party and tell him about the chocolate. He wants a piece, so you open the candy bar and break him off a chunk. Oh well you think, Joanne won't mind... she kinda likes Bill anyway. As you walk down the driveway on the way to your parked motorcycle you let your head hang back and stare at the stars. Out of nowhere a shooting star appears and then freezes in the sky. And then everything around you starts to smear and drip and split and crack. The air vibrates and pops.You shake your head and then feel your center of gravity shifting and rocking. You're on a boat, a big boat, I guess it's a yacht. It is completely purple. It has huge purple sails and the sky is pink and the water green. There are small blue people running around the deck. Some are scrubbing the deck, others are communicating with eachother with high squeaky voices making musical sounds that remind you of birdsong and whale singing. You know what their language means to your surprise and you realize that you are sort of the captain of this ship and that all these little blue folks love you very much. They had been slaves on another ship. You rescued them and now they have sworn to be your crew in gratitude. As time slips by, the previous dimension you occupied becomes less and less real. You notice that all the blue people have 3 eyes. The third eye is between their dark blue eyebrows and blinks in concert with the other 2. As you notice the extra eye on one of the blues, he smiles and winks his middle eye at you. Your body responds in an unfamiliar way. Your spine tingles and vibrates. The top of your head pops. A feeling of relief flows down your body from head to toe. You sway from side to side, your eyelids become too heavy, you are falling, falling, falling... before you pass out, your feel the gentle hands of the blues catching you for a soft landing...

You awaken in your cabin below deck. All the walls are dark green and you hear the music of crystal bowls harmonizing. The sound is coming from the blues. They are singing the song of their cosmology which contains the answers to all the questions from your previously occupied reality that cannot be explained with what you now consider a primitive language. You are amazed because the other world is a sliver of shadow that fits perfectly in their song of the cosmos. You feel the gentle rocking of your ship as the cosmic lullaby washes your soul. The information that you receive is very dense, some how you absorb it all. Every song they sing contains the tale of billions of worlds, trillions of histories and quadrillions of beings. You can taste the music and feel the emotional content like a sea of dense living fluid. And then you hearfeel the undertone that is also an overtone. A drone of pure love, pure gratitude. This drone is the foundation of their present, of their ability to sing the universe into completion. This ability was activated when they came close enough to you. They bathe you in their salty tears of gratitude for the gift of your existence and your heart cracks open as you smile deeply, profoundly, into every cell, every galaxy that makes up your ever shifting body of multiverses. You are the captain of a hundred billion universes. Ahoy there! Om Neptune.
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