Sunday, March 13, 2005

Thyroid trouble

You drive your drunk friends in their car all the way back to their apartment in the French Quarter. One of them is your Australian girlfriend. By the morning she will be your ex-girlfriend. Her sister and boyfriend are the other 2. You drop them off and say good night. You will walk the 2 miles back to India House. There's alot for you to consider. Mainly, the insane behavior exhibited by this Sydney sheila. While driving the car you'd already made up your mind. You figured that you'd let her sober up and let her know your feelings in the morning. The walk passes by with a subtley surreal flavor, not many vehicles out at this hour. You finally arrive at Lopez Street and end up chatting with a few backpackers on the front steps of the main house. Suddenly your drunk girlfriend appears from around the corner of the house. She has slipped out the back door. It turns out that she had hopped in the vehicle, driven to where you live and had been waiting for you up in the attic where the hostel staffers sleep. Her eyes shine with alcohol, beer and mindless fear. Her anger at your stealthy departure erupts like a volcanoe. You start to jog away to avoid the ash and lava that are oozing from her mouth and eyes. She jumps in the car and starts chasing you. What else can you do but run? She is like a heat seaking missile and you are the target. Run, run, run. You dash thru yards and over fences and dive into over-grown weeds in an emty lot. You see a police car drive by slowly. They have a spotlight which they are using to search the lot you are hiding in. You put your head down and they pass you by. You wait 5 minutes and then start walking down the street. Abrubtly, you see the Ausie drive down a cross street, she goes by quickly but still sees you. She stops and begins to reverse as you dash to some bushes in front of a house. You stand in the cover of a tall shrub. Seconds later you see red and blue lights flashing on the trees and houses. The cops have pulled over the girl. I don't know what you are thinking but you decide to walk out from your hiding spot. You try to act casual like you just left the house but the fuzz do not buy it. They scream "Freeze! put your hands up!" and draw their guns on you. You comply. You can tell that they are really on edge. The murder rate in New Orlean is the highest in the country. The year is 1993. They ask you if you know her. You say: "No." They put you in the backseat with her. She turns and looks at you with that yellow glow in her eyes and says: "I thought you were going to save me." They interrogate the girl. You can hear her arguing with them. She has many issues. She can't understand why guys can pee where iver they want and girls can't. This drives her mad. Finally, you admit that she's kind of your girlfriend. The super angry cop starts flipping out and screaming: "WHY DID YOU LIE TO ME?!!" He grabs you by your long hair and throws your head to the side as you sit handcuffed in the backseat. 10 minutes later, the other cop asks you what's going on. He seems pretty mellow in contrast to psycho cop. He tries to be extra nice and I can see he's a bit nervous about his partner's temper tantrum. You quickly give him the low down: "I've known this girl for a few weeks. She's kind of my girlfriend. She's been acting way crazy. Earlier tonight she started to totally flip out. I tried to get away and she started chasing me in her car. I'm just trying to get away from her." He searches your wallet and then lets you go.You will never speak to her again. She spends the night in jail for drunk driving. You call her sister so she can bail her out in the morning.
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