Thursday, March 17, 2005


Hello humans. I just thought you might like to know that the rest of the galaxy has alot of compassion for all of the lifeforms on that planet you call earth. Anatomically speaking, the deck has been stacked against you all from the very beginning I'm sorry to say. But we're all pulling for you. Basically the trouble can all be traced to the proximity of your reproductive organs and waste organs. Maybe it takes an alien perspective to see this but I'm hoping some of you might get the gist of what I convey. There are some colleagues of mine who get a little queasy when they picture you guys so there is abit of a bias against you. We still all love you unconditionally and all that. So anyway, don't be so hard on yourselves. If something is broken fix it. Did you know that the past 4 hundred years of western philosophy has become emersed in moral constipation? It's kind of funny it you think about it. The fact of the matter is, there has always been war on your planet. The ants have been perfecting the art of war long before you verticals started to carve out shelter. Your intelligence has been hijacked by base instincts that are hardwired before you are 3 years old. At any moment, a critical mass of beings can tap into higher levels of functioning. When this occurs, time will become navigational and the current problems obsolete. When you are capable of transcending the space time continuum, there has to be a high level of sensitivity and compassion. These are the tools which enable one to move/function/exist on the 4th dimension. Good luck!

1 waves:

Blogger Dij said...


4:31 PM  

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