Thursday, June 09, 2005

How can I experience unprisoned emotion?

Promise that you are not going to panic when I tell you what happened. This is a crazy way to tell you but there was no other alternative. Your pleas were accidentally overheard by someone dear to you and then I accidentally overheard them talking with an agent for the FBI. First of all, don't be paranoid but they are all in on it. Sorry, I can't give any of their names. Who knows what they'd do to me. Any way, here's some advice for me: you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him think. And here's some advice for you...

Go to a dentist and get that new tooth taken out. The voices in your head will go away. Stop watching television except for Mtv. Only listen to radio stations that play alternative rock and classic rock. Listen to Pink Floyd everyday. Read every book that Chuck Palahniuk has written. When you wake up in the morning breathe deep into your belly and watch your thoughts. Subtly guide them towards goodwill towards yourself and others.

Don't worry so much about what others think of you. What actually happens is: they are deeply influenced by how you think of yourself. Love your self regularly like you water plants. When you do water plants, imagine that it's liquid love coming out of the hose. Imagine each emotion as a color in a rainbow. See and feel as many emotions as you can lining up next to eachother. In order to experience emotions separately, they have to pass thru living prisms. Humans are very rich emotional prisms/filters. Place your hand over your heart. Ask yourself: How can I experience unprismed emotion?

There are those who live off filtered human emotion. Many are addicted to the emotions of agony, aggression, hate, death and destruction. This is not a harmonious addiction. We can only help these extra dimensional vampires these paradoxical parasites these misery junkies by weaning them off their crutch. We have somehow become unwitting dealers clueless cattle in a sugary slaughterhouse prison zoo.

The fences can all be jumped over crawled under or walked thru because they are all just abstract ideas that have become customs mores taboos tacitly conformed to welcomed enforced thru indoctrination media media medium mean do you know what I mean? The prison bars are big enough for people to walk into, sit down, consume state sponsored liquid drug therapy, kill neurons, relax inhibitions, get violent (89% violent crime - perpetrator is drunk), watch TV tell you: consume, be afraid, you are not good enough, buy this, eat garbage, zone out.

You are a giant prism prison with billions of cells. Do you love your prisoners? Do you thank them every day? Do you feed off their emotions? What do you feed them?

Research: Opium Triangle, Bermuda Triangle, Eye in the Triangle, Triangle of manifestation. Eat: unfiltered raw organic apple cider vinegar, pure truly organic coconut oil, living food. Create: art, kindness, love, smiles, laughs. Share: your self.