Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Protection Restored to 7 Endangered Species, Victims of Political Pressure {link}
Looks like there might be some holes in the current administration's sleeper hold on America.
click above link to read about this empowering situation.
Today's Bardo Surfer award goes to The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Thank you, keep up the good work.
story from wired

click above link to read about this empowering situation.
Today's Bardo Surfer award goes to The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Thank you, keep up the good work.
story from wired

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Bali adventure
My friend Steve just got back from several weeks of exploring Bali. He hosted a potluck and at the end of the night I finally got to hear one of the countless stories recounting his time spent in this tropical paradise. Being a surfer and at one time a traveler, I listened intently as he related an experience which exemplifies the paradoxical nature of human beings.
Steve related how one day Peter and he awoke and decided to just drive and see where the road took them. Along the way, the natives were incredibly hospitable. All were full of smiles and welcoming spirits. Everyone that saw them seemed overjoyed and fascinated by these world travelers. Seemingly, Steve and Peter had gone well off the beaten path and were mingling with those unused to the presence of ocean-crossing tourists. Eventually, they chanced upon a temple. Upon trying to enter, Peter was stopped. Through gestures and body language the message was conveyed: One could not enter the temple without a sarong. Someone ended up lending Peter one and they were allowed to pass the threshold. They walked up the steps and were surprised to hear the commotion of yelling and cheering. Upon making their way thru the crowd, they were shocked to see cock fighting. Each rooster had razor blades taped to their toes. It was incredibly brutal and shockingly crass - gambling in the temple on roosters killing eachother.

Steve related how one day Peter and he awoke and decided to just drive and see where the road took them. Along the way, the natives were incredibly hospitable. All were full of smiles and welcoming spirits. Everyone that saw them seemed overjoyed and fascinated by these world travelers. Seemingly, Steve and Peter had gone well off the beaten path and were mingling with those unused to the presence of ocean-crossing tourists. Eventually, they chanced upon a temple. Upon trying to enter, Peter was stopped. Through gestures and body language the message was conveyed: One could not enter the temple without a sarong. Someone ended up lending Peter one and they were allowed to pass the threshold. They walked up the steps and were surprised to hear the commotion of yelling and cheering. Upon making their way thru the crowd, they were shocked to see cock fighting. Each rooster had razor blades taped to their toes. It was incredibly brutal and shockingly crass - gambling in the temple on roosters killing eachother.

Saturday, November 10, 2007
Galactic Center Eclipse is coming to an end
And so the Sun spun around in at least two different ways: rotating in its own controlled self spin as well as revolving around galactic center which most likely is the home of a singularity whose mass defies calculation. The galaxy itself is moving as well and this is the third type of spin that as far as I know has yet to be numerically classified. Meanwhile, this gives the Earth at least four different types of spin. Alas, the Moon which always faces us does not rotate for its obsession and dependence on our various forms of momentum and thus has as many types of spin as us.
The Sun has two counter ratating fields which generate tremendous amounts of electromagnetism and gravity which enclose the entire Solar System making it a plasmatic entity of its own accord. We spiral thru space as a conduit in an enormous capacitor spaceship where it has never been about where we are going but who we are now.
For the past 5 thousand years we have passed thru a galactic center eclipse which has left us in the darkness of self ignorance. DNA never sleeps and has perfected itself in the only way it could, and thus the species finds itself at the brink of self immolation as a consequence of brain stem dominance.
Before the darkness fell, nearly 5 thousand years ago, humans were capable of perceiving the meridians which travel even now as I type and as you now read. The meridians are a magnetic phenomena which leave no doubt as to our connection to the Earth and to the Sun. These magnetic meridians provide insight into our health on a molecular/energetic level. Thus without this inner and outer sight we are left blind.
Sometime in 2012, the galactic center eclipse will end and we will begin to see that which has been hidden. After 5000 years of self deception, many humans are in for a glare filled awakening. Even now, as the dawning begins, the humans scramble for soul glasses - ways to dull the senses. The spine is an antenna. We are receivers and transmitters whose ability to function has been hampered by junk food diets and improper use of the biocomputer hardware. Maybe the sudden change in awarenss would have shocked most into catatonic statues like deer in the headlights of an oncoming car.
Thus, we may feel like we are on a bus whose driver is blind. Our leaders are blind and have merely been led by the artificial graivity that is the dollar bill. Of course they have insulated themselves thru alcohol and drugs and gluttony for this is there only way to survive. They cannot handle the actuality of their part in the decision making process. It is much easier to keep the inner eyes closed and play along with the status quo.
And so our leaders have no self spin. They revolve around an obsolete motivational tool which has become obscured and corrupted at the hands of seriously deranged inferiors who can be likened to monkeys shaking trees and beating their chests. Monkeys in limos. Monkeys in Porsches. Monkeys well groomed and drunk on alcohol. But nothing can stop the eclipse from ending and our sight returning - not even intoxicated monkeys with delusions of grandeur.

The Sun has two counter ratating fields which generate tremendous amounts of electromagnetism and gravity which enclose the entire Solar System making it a plasmatic entity of its own accord. We spiral thru space as a conduit in an enormous capacitor spaceship where it has never been about where we are going but who we are now.
For the past 5 thousand years we have passed thru a galactic center eclipse which has left us in the darkness of self ignorance. DNA never sleeps and has perfected itself in the only way it could, and thus the species finds itself at the brink of self immolation as a consequence of brain stem dominance.
Before the darkness fell, nearly 5 thousand years ago, humans were capable of perceiving the meridians which travel even now as I type and as you now read. The meridians are a magnetic phenomena which leave no doubt as to our connection to the Earth and to the Sun. These magnetic meridians provide insight into our health on a molecular/energetic level. Thus without this inner and outer sight we are left blind.
Sometime in 2012, the galactic center eclipse will end and we will begin to see that which has been hidden. After 5000 years of self deception, many humans are in for a glare filled awakening. Even now, as the dawning begins, the humans scramble for soul glasses - ways to dull the senses. The spine is an antenna. We are receivers and transmitters whose ability to function has been hampered by junk food diets and improper use of the biocomputer hardware. Maybe the sudden change in awarenss would have shocked most into catatonic statues like deer in the headlights of an oncoming car.
Thus, we may feel like we are on a bus whose driver is blind. Our leaders are blind and have merely been led by the artificial graivity that is the dollar bill. Of course they have insulated themselves thru alcohol and drugs and gluttony for this is there only way to survive. They cannot handle the actuality of their part in the decision making process. It is much easier to keep the inner eyes closed and play along with the status quo.
And so our leaders have no self spin. They revolve around an obsolete motivational tool which has become obscured and corrupted at the hands of seriously deranged inferiors who can be likened to monkeys shaking trees and beating their chests. Monkeys in limos. Monkeys in Porsches. Monkeys well groomed and drunk on alcohol. But nothing can stop the eclipse from ending and our sight returning - not even intoxicated monkeys with delusions of grandeur.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
We are a brittle superpower bedeviled by an aging infrastructure so decrepit the American Society of Civil Engineers gives it a pitiable grade of D. We're ill prepared to deal with disasters, especially the natural and industrial disasters that present far greater threats to the nation than terrorism.
--Kenny Ausubel
via Tree Hugger

--Kenny Ausubel
via Tree Hugger

Monday, November 05, 2007
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Dolphins, sweeping and the didj
So why do I need an underwater camera? I want to shoot footage of my playing the didjeridoo in the ocean to a dolphin pod. Not an easy task but with a kayak and a stand up paddle board it can be done and may be quite interesting. The didjeridoo is such an amazing instrument because of the circular breathing technique. How did it begin? How did someone come up with this? Keeping the outflow continuous is such an ingenious concept for countless reasons. One of them being the clearing out of stale gas from the lungs. It also helps to circulate cerebral spinal fluid. Playing the didj increases body sensory awareness. I can go on and on. One story about the origin of the didjeridoo is that it came from the dolphins. Somehow, dolphins kept trying to teach humans until they finally succeeded with the Australian Aborigine. Why did they do this? Because they wanted to communicate with humans. Thus, I'd like to head out with a stand up paddle board and start sweeping and playing the didjeridoo while someone in a kayak films the expeience.

Friday, November 02, 2007
My donation button is working again...
Hi there, My donation button is working once again. I've never received any donations yet and that is fine. I am just putting this out there if anyone has the urge to contribute. I'd like to get a new surf board as well as an underwater camera. I've got over 750 posts on this site for your enjoyment at this point and many more to follow... Imagine some of the video that I will generate once I acquire the video camera... om mani padme hum

Thursday, November 01, 2007
God Grew Tired of Michael Vick
"In 1983, about 25,000 boys from southern Sudan, most of them 5 to 10 years old, fled the advancing Muslim army from the north that was seeking to exterminate the male population of black Christians. The Lost Boys, as they came to be known, trekked barefoot for more than 1,000 miles and eventually settled in a U.N. refuge camp in Kakuma, Kenya, which is where Quinn started filming." The Hollywood Reporter
God Grew Tired of Us is a documentary which chronicles the lives of three young men who have been given the opportunity to leave their refugee camp in Africa and live in America.
Jon Bul Dau is an extremely tall Lost Boy. When he arrives in Pittsburg he is happy to be given this chance but he is also sad because he cannot forget his comrades who still must live in the refugee camp. Jon speaks of the brotherhood that they shared there and how they looked out for eachother. In America, he feels a lacking of this tribal conscousness that he experienced in Kenya. But Jon persists and before long he is working three jobs and sending most of the money he earns to his mother and sister in Uganda and also to his Lost Boy brothers in Kenya.
The other night my friend Clay asked me what I thought about Michael Vick. I had just seen the DVD, God Grew Tired of Us and so I could not help but see the contrast between Jon Bul Dau and Michael Vick. Emotion shined from my eyes and my voice trembled as I stated that Michael Vick is very far from God. "He[Vick] had millions and millions of dallars and all he was doing was bankrolling an illegal dog fighting enterprise. It is just unbelievable to me that with all the suffering going on in the world that he'd do that with his resources. And then you look at Jon Bul Dau, and he is working in a factory, then he is working in McDonald's and what does he do next? He's sending his money to Africa to help his family!"
Clay listens intently and says: "I really like your take on Michael Vick, it is so hard to understand why he did that."
"Yeah, imagine Michael Vick, he's looked up to by millions, he is wealthy, famous and physically beautiful but inside all he has is contempt for all his fans. Why? Because he does not know God. He is very far from the spirit that runs thru all things. Even as it runs thru his heart, he is far away. He is not in his heart and that is why he could kill dogs for sport. He was crying for help. Meanwhile, in Africa, there is so much suffering. It is an area where he could make a difference. In contrast, Jon Bul Dau is now building a children's hospital in Sudan. Unbelievable! He was working at McDonald's! God bless you Jon!"

God Grew Tired of Us is a documentary which chronicles the lives of three young men who have been given the opportunity to leave their refugee camp in Africa and live in America.
Jon Bul Dau is an extremely tall Lost Boy. When he arrives in Pittsburg he is happy to be given this chance but he is also sad because he cannot forget his comrades who still must live in the refugee camp. Jon speaks of the brotherhood that they shared there and how they looked out for eachother. In America, he feels a lacking of this tribal conscousness that he experienced in Kenya. But Jon persists and before long he is working three jobs and sending most of the money he earns to his mother and sister in Uganda and also to his Lost Boy brothers in Kenya.
The other night my friend Clay asked me what I thought about Michael Vick. I had just seen the DVD, God Grew Tired of Us and so I could not help but see the contrast between Jon Bul Dau and Michael Vick. Emotion shined from my eyes and my voice trembled as I stated that Michael Vick is very far from God. "He[Vick] had millions and millions of dallars and all he was doing was bankrolling an illegal dog fighting enterprise. It is just unbelievable to me that with all the suffering going on in the world that he'd do that with his resources. And then you look at Jon Bul Dau, and he is working in a factory, then he is working in McDonald's and what does he do next? He's sending his money to Africa to help his family!"
Clay listens intently and says: "I really like your take on Michael Vick, it is so hard to understand why he did that."
"Yeah, imagine Michael Vick, he's looked up to by millions, he is wealthy, famous and physically beautiful but inside all he has is contempt for all his fans. Why? Because he does not know God. He is very far from the spirit that runs thru all things. Even as it runs thru his heart, he is far away. He is not in his heart and that is why he could kill dogs for sport. He was crying for help. Meanwhile, in Africa, there is so much suffering. It is an area where he could make a difference. In contrast, Jon Bul Dau is now building a children's hospital in Sudan. Unbelievable! He was working at McDonald's! God bless you Jon!"