Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Wetsuitless surf session
I decided to sell my 8 foot Waveline surfboard to a friend. After picking up the freshly repaired red and blue board from the surf shop, I made the 10 minute drive to C-Street, my home break. When I left Meiner's Oaks, I did not bring my wetsuit. The feeling was that I should let my knee and foot heal more. When I saw the waves breaking 1-3 feet and surfers easily catching them; well I figured that it could be the last time surfing my red and blue beauty. This is a beginner/intermediate board. I never thought I'd outgrow it but this is just what happened. Lucky for me and my friend, it was a great fit for him as he is just beginning what will hopefully be a lifetime affair with surfing. I know that if he sticks with it, he will never look back. Anyway, I walk over the round river rocks and the giant chunks of cement which line the edge of the beach and am pleasantly surprised when the not too cold sea water touches my toes. I paddle out in between the seams of small waves and am on the outside in less than 20 seconds. The water is brisk and invigorating. I paddle arching my back to keep my washboard from getting a rash. I didn't even bring a rashguard! My first several attempts to catch a wave were unsuccessful but suddenly the timing was right and I caught a cool backside that closed out after only 4 or 5 seconds. The next wave was the one. Wave of my day. It was a right that was shoulder high and just kept going and going. I grabbed a handful to keep me in the pocket and when it was done I let out a whoop of pure joy and surprise. It had been quite a while since I had one like that.
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)

Sunday, July 29, 2007
Obesity is socially contagious
OBESITY IS SOCIALLY CONTAGIOUS The implications of this study are profound. It does not take much to connect televisions's role in this health crisis. The sword cuts both way. TV programmers have a moral imperitive to correct the eating habits of America. Will they forsake their sponsors to do the right thing? Stay tuned.
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)

Friday, July 27, 2007
Broken fix
Can some one help me
my country's broken
half of it is drinking
the other half is smoking
Can some one help me
the world is choking
the tv's broken
before i eat i need a token
newspapers are good
for starting fires
the writers are all liars
Can some one sell me
something substantial
I seem to recall
there was something
in the window
my finger is swollen
and you have been chosen
by my god so you better listen
to me
can some one give me directions
for the nearest rest room
can you look in my eyes
and see that i am tired
of the same old boring
bull shit and i did not pay for this
i want my money back
lets go for a walk
like jack and jill
read it in a book
so it must be real
can some one tell
me where to go
I need to leave
I need to grow
Can some one plant me
Into the ground
Water my roots
And make me sound
Every thing is under control
The question is
Where is my soul
I left it in a safe
Deposit box
Before I was born
But the bank of god
Has been bought and sold
Is that why I am always cold
Can some one show me how to get home
I never had one and now I’m too old
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
my country's broken
half of it is drinking
the other half is smoking
Can some one help me
the world is choking
the tv's broken
before i eat i need a token
newspapers are good
for starting fires
the writers are all liars
Can some one sell me
something substantial
I seem to recall
there was something
in the window
my finger is swollen
and you have been chosen
by my god so you better listen
to me
can some one give me directions
for the nearest rest room
can you look in my eyes
and see that i am tired
of the same old boring
bull shit and i did not pay for this
i want my money back
lets go for a walk
like jack and jill
read it in a book
so it must be real
can some one tell
me where to go
I need to leave
I need to grow
Can some one plant me
Into the ground
Water my roots
And make me sound
Every thing is under control
The question is
Where is my soul
I left it in a safe
Deposit box
Before I was born
But the bank of god
Has been bought and sold
Is that why I am always cold
Can some one show me how to get home
I never had one and now I’m too old
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)

Thursday, July 26, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
L.A. adventure
Radar Sherpa cruised down to Los Angelas yesterday. We scouted out locations for street performing. We learned that in order to perform in Santa Monica's Prominade, one need's to purchase a permit at the court house. The massive amounts of people that we encountered overwelmed this camper. Locating a restroom became one of the many challenges. Just walking down the side walk required full attention and quick thinking. At one point, I heard a "Left, left, left! LEFT!" I move just in time to avoid being run over by an old lady on a bicycle, barreling down the sidewalk, angry and annoyed at my poor response time.
Startled, I say: "Get off the side walk."
"Get on your ass!" She yells, disappearing around a corner before I can respond with a witty rejoinder.
Clay just laughs at my sputtering. We stop in Yankee Doodle and after my rest room inspection, I find him at a table near the entrance. Every wall in this place is filled with giant flat sceen televisions. There are soccer games and baseball games and the place is filled with hundreds of folks. We check the menu and I order a bottle of water from the waitress and ask for a lemon. We end up leaving after she charges me $5.00 for the $4.00 water and she never gave me a lemon wedge.
The next half of the evening involved out attending CD release/healer's fair at Yoga West. This turns out to be a blast with all kinds of characters and many cute young girls. Clay is in heaven and he easily mingles and enjoys the well deserved attention that he generates with his open smile and good looks.
We don't have any cards but I write down the Radar Sherpa website for the curious. They serve Indian food refreshing Yogi Tea, healthy and delicious Bliss Balls and way too many cookies. We did not arrive back in the Ojai Valley until 3:30AM. The night felt like a whole new door of possibilities opening up.
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
Startled, I say: "Get off the side walk."
"Get on your ass!" She yells, disappearing around a corner before I can respond with a witty rejoinder.
Clay just laughs at my sputtering. We stop in Yankee Doodle and after my rest room inspection, I find him at a table near the entrance. Every wall in this place is filled with giant flat sceen televisions. There are soccer games and baseball games and the place is filled with hundreds of folks. We check the menu and I order a bottle of water from the waitress and ask for a lemon. We end up leaving after she charges me $5.00 for the $4.00 water and she never gave me a lemon wedge.
The next half of the evening involved out attending CD release/healer's fair at Yoga West. This turns out to be a blast with all kinds of characters and many cute young girls. Clay is in heaven and he easily mingles and enjoys the well deserved attention that he generates with his open smile and good looks.
We don't have any cards but I write down the Radar Sherpa website for the curious. They serve Indian food refreshing Yogi Tea, healthy and delicious Bliss Balls and way too many cookies. We did not arrive back in the Ojai Valley until 3:30AM. The night felt like a whole new door of possibilities opening up.
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)

Saturday, July 21, 2007
How to stop the bleeding
The only way to stop the bleeding of America that has become a torrent these past 7 years or so is to build a giant cage made out of silver and gold, pick it up with a giant military transport helicopter and drop it over the White House while the squatters are in one of their organized crime meetings.
The Rico Act just might work as well, don't know till you try.
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
The Rico Act just might work as well, don't know till you try.
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)

Thursday, July 19, 2007
A critique regarding the implications of Michael Moore's 'Sicko'
This critique actually concerns the philosiphy, which, in my opinion, propels this movie. For this author, the concept of universal healthcare is ridiculous. One's health is determined by diet and exercise. When one invites the government in to manage their own health concerns, they are asking for trouble. When one demands it, then they have stepped even further into victim consciousness. Blaming others or genetics for one's own health issues can only perpetuate them. American healthcare has demon-strated over and over that it has no connection to true health. Just about all the solutions it prescribes are temporary and tend to exacerbate the problem. There is very little holistic understanding for the cause of dis ease. This is understandable because western medicine is still in its infancy - at least relative to Traditional Chinese Medicine.
All one has to do to regain health is to eat less processed food, more raw and get plenty of exercise. Turn off the TV. Smile and have fun. Enjoy the burn - know you are alive. Gather confidence when you are able to express the full array of your emotions, Forgive your self, forgive those who cross over your boundaries. Get tense, get charged, discharge and relax. Repeat on a daily basis. Cut yourself some slack. Cut others some slack. Repeat. Smile. Laugh. Peace.
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
All one has to do to regain health is to eat less processed food, more raw and get plenty of exercise. Turn off the TV. Smile and have fun. Enjoy the burn - know you are alive. Gather confidence when you are able to express the full array of your emotions, Forgive your self, forgive those who cross over your boundaries. Get tense, get charged, discharge and relax. Repeat on a daily basis. Cut yourself some slack. Cut others some slack. Repeat. Smile. Laugh. Peace.
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)

leave the nest
don't wanna believe the 180
so much easier to believe i'm shady
i'd rather leave then drown in gravy
live your truth and your called crazy
even though it makes me sad
even though it makes me mad
live your truth or you die lazy
where'd all the free peolpe go
i've been driving in circles
there's no one to know
where'd all the cool people go
the bubble broke a long time ago
where'd all the weird people go
the sheep and cattle are running the show
what happened to the town I loved
indicted me with a sun planted glove
i know its time to leave this place
when push comes to slander
the liar is left how do you stand her
where did all the real yogis go
they're being squeezed out
by the fat-us-quo
where did the insurgencey go
it never existed just part of the show
I've been exploring the breath
this is no longer a test
pay no attention
continue to regress
I am happy to leave the nest
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
so much easier to believe i'm shady
i'd rather leave then drown in gravy
live your truth and your called crazy
even though it makes me sad
even though it makes me mad
live your truth or you die lazy
where'd all the free peolpe go
i've been driving in circles
there's no one to know
where'd all the cool people go
the bubble broke a long time ago
where'd all the weird people go
the sheep and cattle are running the show
what happened to the town I loved
indicted me with a sun planted glove
i know its time to leave this place
when push comes to slander
the liar is left how do you stand her
where did all the real yogis go
they're being squeezed out
by the fat-us-quo
where did the insurgencey go
it never existed just part of the show
I've been exploring the breath
this is no longer a test
pay no attention
continue to regress
I am happy to leave the nest
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
magic ark
while in the dark
I built a magical ark
all you can say is that its a lark
I just laugh and cherry it
You mumble that its only shit
you stumble on a golden brick
wishing you could marry it
You like to shoot people with your words
But all you can make is brown turds
All you are is a trillion worms
and you don't know what I mean
don't know how to see
don't know how to hear
you're drowning in your imagined fear
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
I built a magical ark
all you can say is that its a lark
I just laugh and cherry it
You mumble that its only shit
you stumble on a golden brick
wishing you could marry it
You like to shoot people with your words
But all you can make is brown turds
All you are is a trillion worms
and you don't know what I mean
don't know how to see
don't know how to hear
you're drowning in your imagined fear
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)

Sunday, July 15, 2007
Commercial overload
Last night, I made a grand attempt to watch Harry Potter's latest adventure. Downtown Century 10 had a last show for the day starting at 9:45 PM. I arrived early and my nightmare soon began. Beginning at 9:30 PM, the commercials began, one after the other. They were adverts for tv shows. Bad tv shows. after 20 minutes, the next set of commercials began - these were all movie commercials - bad c movie trailers. Each one led me to cringe, cringe cringe. I began to watch my watch, praying to anyone or anything to bring this nightmare I'd paid 10 dollars for to end. When my watch said 10:10 PM and there were still commercials rolling, my exhaustion, frustration and indignation had concluded into action. I left theatre number 2, spoke with a manager. He was very sweet and understanding and immediatley granted my refund request.
In conclusion, I will not be going to many movie theatres anymore. Wake up distribitors! You are losing coustomers..
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
In conclusion, I will not be going to many movie theatres anymore. Wake up distribitors! You are losing coustomers..
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)

The art of sweeping
One day, while working in a garage which I'd been helping to convert with some carpenter friends, Guy approached me. He'd observed me sweeping incorrectly and decided to inervene. "Didj, Didj, let me show you how to sweep."
I stopped. Shocked, I expressed my indignation at what I perceived as pure condensation. Guy weathered my sudden electircal storm and said: "Do you know how toxic all these materials are? Drywall is so toxic you would not believe it."
This was enough for me to press the pause button on my emotional DVD player. His words had rang a bell. I recalled an article I'd read mentioning something to that effect. Guy continued a little more warily: "Listen, I don't want to breathe that shit in, it makes me ill." He then went on to demonstrate the technique of one stroke sweeping, which greatly reduces the amount of dust that is kicked up.
I learned that I take things personally when they are not intended to be. I learned more about the art of sweeping.
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
I stopped. Shocked, I expressed my indignation at what I perceived as pure condensation. Guy weathered my sudden electircal storm and said: "Do you know how toxic all these materials are? Drywall is so toxic you would not believe it."
This was enough for me to press the pause button on my emotional DVD player. His words had rang a bell. I recalled an article I'd read mentioning something to that effect. Guy continued a little more warily: "Listen, I don't want to breathe that shit in, it makes me ill." He then went on to demonstrate the technique of one stroke sweeping, which greatly reduces the amount of dust that is kicked up.
I learned that I take things personally when they are not intended to be. I learned more about the art of sweeping.
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)

Saturday, July 14, 2007
Gravity is energy
With my Surf One skate board under my feet and my timber slide didj strapped on my shoulder we make an interesting site for the various people out and about on this early morning Saturday. I let gravity provide the energy and I take care of the navigation and soon we arrive at the rainbow for some nourishment. Today's nutritional score is a new type of vitamin E which will hopefully prvide some relief to my protruding hemrhoid issue. This new version contains all 8 of the molecules which make up this skin loving vitamin.
Upon leaving the store, I see and old friend sitting on a bench at a 4 stop sign intersection. I ask if it is OK to sit next to him. He is sitting directly in the center and so I am aware that this is a signal that he's 'owning' the whole seat. He says that it is alright and this allows me to see his teeth which are not looking so good. In fact, they are brown, black and yellow - the ones that are left that is. I do not say anything except "You said something to me years ago which I have remembered and contemplated. It was something to the effect that the Tibetan Buddhist chanting is designed to tune the chakaras to a point where we are able to crack the shell of earthly existence. He smiles and seems to thaw enough to feel and welcome my presence.
I take my didj out of its plastic case and begin to chant Tibetan lama style thru the modernized ancient meditation device. Braodcating peace, serenity and victory thru submission to harmony. After a while, the traffic begins to compete for my sound space and so I begin to go with it and imitate the various signature sounds that each engine makes. At one point, a truck of some kind, silently farts out a blast of petrol vapor and I nearly gag. Soon after, I wind down.
My friend, Mark, is in differnet space upon the conclusion and begins to give me more information. The novel has just begun.
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
Upon leaving the store, I see and old friend sitting on a bench at a 4 stop sign intersection. I ask if it is OK to sit next to him. He is sitting directly in the center and so I am aware that this is a signal that he's 'owning' the whole seat. He says that it is alright and this allows me to see his teeth which are not looking so good. In fact, they are brown, black and yellow - the ones that are left that is. I do not say anything except "You said something to me years ago which I have remembered and contemplated. It was something to the effect that the Tibetan Buddhist chanting is designed to tune the chakaras to a point where we are able to crack the shell of earthly existence. He smiles and seems to thaw enough to feel and welcome my presence.
I take my didj out of its plastic case and begin to chant Tibetan lama style thru the modernized ancient meditation device. Braodcating peace, serenity and victory thru submission to harmony. After a while, the traffic begins to compete for my sound space and so I begin to go with it and imitate the various signature sounds that each engine makes. At one point, a truck of some kind, silently farts out a blast of petrol vapor and I nearly gag. Soon after, I wind down.
My friend, Mark, is in differnet space upon the conclusion and begins to give me more information. The novel has just begun.
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)

Thursday, July 12, 2007
The invisible mountain
Radar Sherpa uses sound, movement, words and acrobatics to overwhelm the senses, to lighten the load of baggage, creating a temporary gravity free zone so that you may ascend the invisible mountain where the view has no price.
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Slander the slender
Its so easy to slander the slender
Not so easy to divide the mender
I watch for truth within your eye
And turn my back when you lie
Its easy to hide your head in the sand
Welcome to white ostrich tv land
For me I hold on to the irritation
All a pearl needs is irrigation
Those who revel in endless slander
This is an example of monkey mind chatter
I look at you all as my own private sander
My rough spots can use a bit of polish
So I process it all like a rainbow starfish
Keep talking about the crazy coyote
I laugh all the way like Truman Capote
Its fuel for the fire and I will never tire
of wondering how you wear the spare tire
Its all just insulation you see
that keeps you in a slumber
that you pretend is reality
Dumber and dumber is the movie i see
Just look at the pres who is as lost as can be
But this is no longer my concern
think what you think
about the Burn
I am not what I seem
and have never been
the secret lies within
an empty trash bin
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
Not so easy to divide the mender
I watch for truth within your eye
And turn my back when you lie
Its easy to hide your head in the sand
Welcome to white ostrich tv land
For me I hold on to the irritation
All a pearl needs is irrigation
Those who revel in endless slander
This is an example of monkey mind chatter
I look at you all as my own private sander
My rough spots can use a bit of polish
So I process it all like a rainbow starfish
Keep talking about the crazy coyote
I laugh all the way like Truman Capote
Its fuel for the fire and I will never tire
of wondering how you wear the spare tire
Its all just insulation you see
that keeps you in a slumber
that you pretend is reality
Dumber and dumber is the movie i see
Just look at the pres who is as lost as can be
But this is no longer my concern
think what you think
about the Burn
I am not what I seem
and have never been
the secret lies within
an empty trash bin
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Radar Sherpa has been born...

Radar Sherpa is a chant band which can be described as Circ du Soleil crash lands in Tibet leaving 2 survivors who have climbed up and down Mount Everest and then walked all the way back to civilization. RS invokes genuine Tibetan Buddhist chanting homegrown in America (kind of a miralcle) thru a didjeridoo. There's a trampolene, silouette dancing, tai chi, acrobatics etc. Radar Sherpa continually adapts and walks according to the whims of the dreamtime. The founders/finders/fountains/sweepers are Keenan Byrne & Clay Loving. Contact # is 805 633 1362. This is the real deal. Sirius inquiries only. Thanks! Keep on surfing! earth keepers!
Monday, July 09, 2007
Thanks for all the love
Thanks for all the love
Hi everyone. Sure is good to be back. Basically, the reason for my disappearing act was that I became compelled to go on a walkabout/vision quest. The momentum had been building in me since about June 26 and finally culminated in my immediate exodus from the Opal's nest. I left on my trusty Fireblade and circled the valley in a broad counter clockwise revolution. Crows lit the way. Squirrels and rabbits made me slow down and there was even a black baby buffalo. There were many cows and sheep that I was careful not to disturb. There were even a pak of motorcylists/wolves that sniffed my trunk curiously before I broke on thru to the other side.
Along the way, the cobwebs of self-deception began to burn off my vision and I soon became able to discern that I'd taken a little break from concensus realtiy. There is so much stigma that can be associated with naturally occurring states of alternative consciousness. Thus when it happens to many in our culture, this opportunity becomes lost under a sea of medication or worse. One friend had her thymus take out because of her amazing super sensitivity and various breaks from concensus reality. Carl Jung looked at these areas as a healing proccess. I tend to agree with Carl. There is so much more I can say on this subject but I'd prefer to keep this trascription brief. I want to thank every one who held space for me and apologize for leaving so abrubtly and without much warning. Part of what brought me back was intuitively realizing that my parents and friends were deeply concerned and there was a special dog (is still mad) who needed me. Thus, I arrive back intact and with much information accept and share with my friends/family/tribe/community/planet etc.
In conclusion I want to thank the whole glorious town of Ojai. A super special shout goes out to the Ojai Police Department for being so professional, friendly and understanding. The older I get the more I realize what a difficult and necessary job police work is. I believe that we could all support our police brothers and sisters by acknowledging them for their hardwork and dedication. Keep on surfing!
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
Hi everyone. Sure is good to be back. Basically, the reason for my disappearing act was that I became compelled to go on a walkabout/vision quest. The momentum had been building in me since about June 26 and finally culminated in my immediate exodus from the Opal's nest. I left on my trusty Fireblade and circled the valley in a broad counter clockwise revolution. Crows lit the way. Squirrels and rabbits made me slow down and there was even a black baby buffalo. There were many cows and sheep that I was careful not to disturb. There were even a pak of motorcylists/wolves that sniffed my trunk curiously before I broke on thru to the other side.
Along the way, the cobwebs of self-deception began to burn off my vision and I soon became able to discern that I'd taken a little break from concensus realtiy. There is so much stigma that can be associated with naturally occurring states of alternative consciousness. Thus when it happens to many in our culture, this opportunity becomes lost under a sea of medication or worse. One friend had her thymus take out because of her amazing super sensitivity and various breaks from concensus reality. Carl Jung looked at these areas as a healing proccess. I tend to agree with Carl. There is so much more I can say on this subject but I'd prefer to keep this trascription brief. I want to thank every one who held space for me and apologize for leaving so abrubtly and without much warning. Part of what brought me back was intuitively realizing that my parents and friends were deeply concerned and there was a special dog (is still mad) who needed me. Thus, I arrive back intact and with much information accept and share with my friends/family/tribe/community/planet etc.
In conclusion I want to thank the whole glorious town of Ojai. A super special shout goes out to the Ojai Police Department for being so professional, friendly and understanding. The older I get the more I realize what a difficult and necessary job police work is. I believe that we could all support our police brothers and sisters by acknowledging them for their hardwork and dedication. Keep on surfing!
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)

Friday, July 06, 2007
Once bitten twice shy...
Howdy to all my friends, I love you all so much every one all is one
We are all in this together
to gather
the truth
the love in my heart is a fountain for all
that is washing down the drain to wash the spiders out
we have entered the dreamtime and you are all my family
the posion is medicine to wake us all up
You all pretend to sleep
when you hear the fire keeper
but i have a sister to keep my hear lite brite
i am the one who remembers all you tell me
I am a blender to redeem the girl
she is a helper even if she does not know it
she walks around all day seething with #it#
I am a dolphin and I love all the humans
And if you don't *like* it than you must have to leave
All are included unless you exlude #it#
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
We are all in this together
to gather
the truth
the love in my heart is a fountain for all
that is washing down the drain to wash the spiders out
we have entered the dreamtime and you are all my family
the posion is medicine to wake us all up
You all pretend to sleep
when you hear the fire keeper
but i have a sister to keep my hear lite brite
i am the one who remembers all you tell me
I am a blender to redeem the girl
she is a helper even if she does not know it
she walks around all day seething with #it#
I am a dolphin and I love all the humans
And if you don't *like* it than you must have to leave
All are included unless you exlude #it#
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)

Along came a spider
Along came a spider down the water spout
Along came a spider to clean the garbage out
It used its cell like a tiny coyote
and the itsy bitsy spider came all the way from mars
and it bit my friend ziggy write inside the arm
He was a panther riding on a black beam
And I am his partner
we are all on the same team
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
Along came a spider to clean the garbage out
It used its cell like a tiny coyote
and the itsy bitsy spider came all the way from mars
and it bit my friend ziggy write inside the arm
He was a panther riding on a black beam
And I am his partner
we are all on the same team
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)

Black Beam
Hey theire kiddies this is your bardo man
he hides in the dark with a rabbit mask on
the world has gone mad or maybe i'm crazy
someone is lying in the sun but their shady
there's a counter of counter culture its a tower of power
i've gone back in time to take a shower
an anthropologist made me feel good
by talking to me
a plumber a slummer
and a real escape man
you may call him houdini
i just call him a man
he taught me to polish
my little black beam
and then to drive slowly as if in a dream
it leaves behind light that no one can see
it is very sleak if you feel what i mean
and no one can hear me because of the sound
all the cars honk when someone wakes up
i just smile and bless them
I will shut in to shut up
all around me there are the same old buildings
locked up feelings broken railings huge blue ceilings
I hold the present like it is a field day
happy feel daay happy feild day
no one knows me and they cannot hear me
I am nothing less than nothing
and you are rusting
i'm writing things about tomorrow
for those in sorrow the world is hollow
i watch the mirror for some expression, a small confession
I can't see me there is no impression lost the lesson i'm only guessing
when i wake up i will sit and listen
with no impression no consession
the ocean waits for me very still now
where's jack and jill now
people line up here when their told to
when their old too when their cold too
every one has been disappering
no one here now all alone now
its ok because i have my light on
its a bright one its designed to feel fun
shades of light that you've never seen here
you better beware there's something new here
who has all the answers about how this started
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
he hides in the dark with a rabbit mask on
the world has gone mad or maybe i'm crazy
someone is lying in the sun but their shady
there's a counter of counter culture its a tower of power
i've gone back in time to take a shower
an anthropologist made me feel good
by talking to me
a plumber a slummer
and a real escape man
you may call him houdini
i just call him a man
he taught me to polish
my little black beam
and then to drive slowly as if in a dream
it leaves behind light that no one can see
it is very sleak if you feel what i mean
and no one can hear me because of the sound
all the cars honk when someone wakes up
i just smile and bless them
I will shut in to shut up
all around me there are the same old buildings
locked up feelings broken railings huge blue ceilings
I hold the present like it is a field day
happy feel daay happy feild day
no one knows me and they cannot hear me
I am nothing less than nothing
and you are rusting
i'm writing things about tomorrow
for those in sorrow the world is hollow
i watch the mirror for some expression, a small confession
I can't see me there is no impression lost the lesson i'm only guessing
when i wake up i will sit and listen
with no impression no consession
the ocean waits for me very still now
where's jack and jill now
people line up here when their told to
when their old too when their cold too
every one has been disappering
no one here now all alone now
its ok because i have my light on
its a bright one its designed to feel fun
shades of light that you've never seen here
you better beware there's something new here
who has all the answers about how this started
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)

Thursday, July 05, 2007
The dolphin is in
The dolphin is in
frog pajamas
he made the leap
from dog to nirvana
everyone still thinks the moment is coming
but the frog is a cat when he takes off his goggles
Joeseph smith brightman young
New what to do
make tons of kids and a beautiful kazoo
diverity is left to only the islands
while the rest of lust
will join the idiocracic bottom
hg wells knew just what was coming
and phillip k dick
used writing like running
there can't be a heart on
when there's a hard on
If you keep thinking
you'll never get the start on
there are so many tools
inside my shed
you'd think I was famous
but i am surfing instead
I even have a fire blade
in my robin quiver
it cuts thru the dark
like a surfboard of silver
It will cut thru your webs
and smooth out your wrinkles
if you look to the sky
you can see my eyes twinkle
I've found a way out
it is the same way in
end is the start
so that where we begin
Hercules is here and so is the kite man
despite all the ways you tried to excite him
They cut off 1 ball
just in case he was all
and corrupted his mouth with
a toxic metal
but this is why
he came here to be the black diamond
he's the magician's magickson
and his thoughts have been so zen
This is my page, my site and my dream
in a world of endless possibility
so if you want to be in the front row
You'll have to submit to the one in control
that is me my 2 teachers of wrath and desire
it seems as though your memories have been for hire
And my love for you both
never wavers at all
i am so used to the twists in the maze of your wall
matter does not matter
when you can all detatch
the corruption eruption
that just makes me laugh
that dude who shook the spear he knew the golden calf
the maya of humans is a church full of cash
where some worship warships of the down side
and others worship starships on the upside
all are included within my church
the church of the bardo where all come first.
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
frog pajamas
he made the leap
from dog to nirvana
everyone still thinks the moment is coming
but the frog is a cat when he takes off his goggles
Joeseph smith brightman young
New what to do
make tons of kids and a beautiful kazoo
diverity is left to only the islands
while the rest of lust
will join the idiocracic bottom
hg wells knew just what was coming
and phillip k dick
used writing like running
there can't be a heart on
when there's a hard on
If you keep thinking
you'll never get the start on
there are so many tools
inside my shed
you'd think I was famous
but i am surfing instead
I even have a fire blade
in my robin quiver
it cuts thru the dark
like a surfboard of silver
It will cut thru your webs
and smooth out your wrinkles
if you look to the sky
you can see my eyes twinkle
I've found a way out
it is the same way in
end is the start
so that where we begin
Hercules is here and so is the kite man
despite all the ways you tried to excite him
They cut off 1 ball
just in case he was all
and corrupted his mouth with
a toxic metal
but this is why
he came here to be the black diamond
he's the magician's magickson
and his thoughts have been so zen
This is my page, my site and my dream
in a world of endless possibility
so if you want to be in the front row
You'll have to submit to the one in control
that is me my 2 teachers of wrath and desire
it seems as though your memories have been for hire
And my love for you both
never wavers at all
i am so used to the twists in the maze of your wall
matter does not matter
when you can all detatch
the corruption eruption
that just makes me laugh
that dude who shook the spear he knew the golden calf
the maya of humans is a church full of cash
where some worship warships of the down side
and others worship starships on the upside
all are included within my church
the church of the bardo where all come first.
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)

time rover
did you ever get the feeling you've been here before
where all of your courage has spilled on the floor
all you can do is stand by your self
while all that you trusted lies used on the continental shelf
its never too late to change your mind
when all of the seasons have turned you too blind
the things that have happened thru out your life
were merely chance testing your resolve not to fight
why is it hard to admit when we're wrong
you can always turn it into a song
my friend m&M he's out of his mind
and into his body and out of his wine
What is your problem with the whale Moby
this guy makes music
like you make ants grow weed
I guess what I'm saying is thanks for the rhymes
its time to step down and take a joy ride
corvettes are cool and porsche cooler still
but in the end who gets your will
i guess i am saying your time is over
theirs a new kid in town
you can call me time rover
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
where all of your courage has spilled on the floor
all you can do is stand by your self
while all that you trusted lies used on the continental shelf
its never too late to change your mind
when all of the seasons have turned you too blind
the things that have happened thru out your life
were merely chance testing your resolve not to fight
why is it hard to admit when we're wrong
you can always turn it into a song
my friend m&M he's out of his mind
and into his body and out of his wine
What is your problem with the whale Moby
this guy makes music
like you make ants grow weed
I guess what I'm saying is thanks for the rhymes
its time to step down and take a joy ride
corvettes are cool and porsche cooler still
but in the end who gets your will
i guess i am saying your time is over
theirs a new kid in town
you can call me time rover
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)

Mercury rising
Welcome to the bardo shuffle
where the cards are rigged
and the karma pots double
we've got a chapstick god
and terminator rob
These guys are smooth
They hold down their job
I just took a ride in my black Beam
I do not believe you see what I've seen
There once was a horse with his blinders on
He trudged along pretending that he had gone
Till one day he realized his cart was a song
And when he came able to give it a way
Another one replace it the very same day
You may call him a name
He is so damn skinny
But that is because he does not have any
Cares in the world
he's looking for a woman
but he's surrounded by girls
a bad mofo you better take cover
i'm the only true friend that you can call brother
I never met a lover able to keep up
spent all their time talking
in the dark like they thought
they were stephen hawking
Selling mercury to the blind
Laughing at backs and lost inside
I ride my black beam
in the dead of the night
searching for humans
Who crave second life
know need to be shy
I'm taking my time
But before that you know it
I'll leave without a dime
No need to worry
its the ocean I'm surfing
only because I am the first in
karma burns away
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
where the cards are rigged
and the karma pots double
we've got a chapstick god
and terminator rob
These guys are smooth
They hold down their job
I just took a ride in my black Beam
I do not believe you see what I've seen
There once was a horse with his blinders on
He trudged along pretending that he had gone
Till one day he realized his cart was a song
And when he came able to give it a way
Another one replace it the very same day
You may call him a name
He is so damn skinny
But that is because he does not have any
Cares in the world
he's looking for a woman
but he's surrounded by girls
a bad mofo you better take cover
i'm the only true friend that you can call brother
I never met a lover able to keep up
spent all their time talking
in the dark like they thought
they were stephen hawking
Selling mercury to the blind
Laughing at backs and lost inside
I ride my black beam
in the dead of the night
searching for humans
Who crave second life
know need to be shy
I'm taking my time
But before that you know it
I'll leave without a dime
No need to worry
its the ocean I'm surfing
only because I am the first in
karma burns away
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)

Some one told me in another way
that right handers are right footers is it football you play
taking larger steps with the right than the left every day
leads them in circles but they think they are straight.
talking in circles can help #it# begin
and thinking in cirlcles repeats the same sin
I guess the same can be said for those who are left
They go the other way do you think that I jest.
This riddle is deep or shallow depends
on the state that you live in or if you can swim
I can do this all day
the words are just legos
and of course you and I
are all made of play-doe
Carpe Diem! Linda! love love love, om mani padme hum, om mani padme hum, om mani padme hum, om gati gati paragati parasumagati, boddhisvaha, ha ha
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
that right handers are right footers is it football you play
taking larger steps with the right than the left every day
leads them in circles but they think they are straight.
talking in circles can help #it# begin
and thinking in cirlcles repeats the same sin
I guess the same can be said for those who are left
They go the other way do you think that I jest.
This riddle is deep or shallow depends
on the state that you live in or if you can swim
I can do this all day
the words are just legos
and of course you and I
are all made of play-doe
Carpe Diem! Linda! love love love, om mani padme hum, om mani padme hum, om mani padme hum, om gati gati paragati parasumagati, boddhisvaha, ha ha
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)

Very interesting
To all of you who think I've gone crazy
Thanks for your help you were my grravy
And so I will tell you your thinking is lazy
The film in your eye makes everything hazy
When all you can see are the 2 sides
Then your too low or your head is 2 high
The key to your trouble with going beyond
Lies in the way you've been writing your song
There's no need to steal from the mind of another
He is your friend and your little brother
You think he's your charge the one that you hate
When all along he's the star on a golden plate
We spend so much time on things that are fleeting
When the real goal is how well that you have been treating
Those who have not been given enough
You missed the whole point and are just stuck with stuff
To all of my sinners and soldierly saints
You are all winners and you win thru your pain
Do not try to run its only begun
Your only job is just to have fun
There can only be one monkey in the middle
We all take our turns at playing the fiddle
The egg must crack straight down the middle
I tested his metal as he stood on the griddle
And yes he did pass thru the hoop of fire
A pure piece of glass does not ever get tired
While he was bending to blow air on the fire
He was also light bending to shed light on the tired
The one who shook spears was a record player
He knew drama well and all of the flavors
We all play out karma upon the stage
Give thanks to the ones from every age
So many of you seem to feel burned
So b4 you eat, make sure it feels earned
It's important to know that we all take turns
I am the mood to give some direction
Think with your head not your erection
The falling tower was a symbolic show of power
Just look at the tarot and be like a sparrow
Here are some morsels
For all of my horsels
The Beatles were stable
Their music was mana left on the table
for this I am ever very so grateful
You are the ones I am your angel
For the one you saw walking, he's quite a dude
If you listen closely he's singing a tune
And yes its true, its been done before
For some it is bliss for others a chore
It always takes 2 sides to make a war
I love all my spiders even if they are dead
When you love your fire you burn thru the web
There are so many keys to these productions
Don't you know that language is always reduction
When time stopped
It did not go pop
Time never can ever be the top
So the world keeps on spinning
And you can keep grinning
The ones who know this
are the ones who are winning
Over themselves good or bad
its hiding the truth that makes us so sad
The axis needs spinning or it will topple
So stop all this fighting and take a bite of the apple
So many riddles I've forgotten to giggle
You can never destroy what lies in the middle
It is a big circle that comes and goes
And in the real bardo you will all know
So be for I go random
& searching for fandom
A word to the wise
There's no need to disguise
We've already passed thru time wave middle
The surfer was hidden and thus became the riddle
That is why we passed thru the brink
Paul always knew who was the Sphinx
It was not the boxer
just another imposter
Or the body double
Who could only see trouble
Your dad really loves you
Does this pop your bubble
To all of my monkeys here is the key
It can help truth to invest in uncertainty
To all of my lost you soon will be found
There's a fountain that flows in the center of town
Do not feel flat that is a trap
You have kept spinning
because you are a round
Everything's perfect
And has always been
Even if you are living in the depths of sin
So here is the solace for those who feel lost
You merely be nice to soften the cost
Road island power
Took a big shower
for the love of the world
in the shape of a girl
It sounds kind of funny
So here's a gift to my bunny
It was halotosis
which helped achieve gnosis
Just sit in the burning
keep all the wheels turning
Your parents need love
like a cold hand needs a glove
without it the heat will burn off your hand
you are then a boy instead of a man
On the life of a pearl
The ones who never left God
Are not just dogs
Just another set of cogs
Their are not 2 sides, but their are two fields
The winner just watches
He gives and he steels.
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
Thanks for your help you were my grravy
And so I will tell you your thinking is lazy
The film in your eye makes everything hazy
When all you can see are the 2 sides
Then your too low or your head is 2 high
The key to your trouble with going beyond
Lies in the way you've been writing your song
There's no need to steal from the mind of another
He is your friend and your little brother
You think he's your charge the one that you hate
When all along he's the star on a golden plate
We spend so much time on things that are fleeting
When the real goal is how well that you have been treating
Those who have not been given enough
You missed the whole point and are just stuck with stuff
To all of my sinners and soldierly saints
You are all winners and you win thru your pain
Do not try to run its only begun
Your only job is just to have fun
There can only be one monkey in the middle
We all take our turns at playing the fiddle
The egg must crack straight down the middle
I tested his metal as he stood on the griddle
And yes he did pass thru the hoop of fire
A pure piece of glass does not ever get tired
While he was bending to blow air on the fire
He was also light bending to shed light on the tired
The one who shook spears was a record player
He knew drama well and all of the flavors
We all play out karma upon the stage
Give thanks to the ones from every age
So many of you seem to feel burned
So b4 you eat, make sure it feels earned
It's important to know that we all take turns
I am the mood to give some direction
Think with your head not your erection
The falling tower was a symbolic show of power
Just look at the tarot and be like a sparrow
Here are some morsels
For all of my horsels
The Beatles were stable
Their music was mana left on the table
for this I am ever very so grateful
You are the ones I am your angel
For the one you saw walking, he's quite a dude
If you listen closely he's singing a tune
And yes its true, its been done before
For some it is bliss for others a chore
It always takes 2 sides to make a war
I love all my spiders even if they are dead
When you love your fire you burn thru the web
There are so many keys to these productions
Don't you know that language is always reduction
When time stopped
It did not go pop
Time never can ever be the top
So the world keeps on spinning
And you can keep grinning
The ones who know this
are the ones who are winning
Over themselves good or bad
its hiding the truth that makes us so sad
The axis needs spinning or it will topple
So stop all this fighting and take a bite of the apple
So many riddles I've forgotten to giggle
You can never destroy what lies in the middle
It is a big circle that comes and goes
And in the real bardo you will all know
So be for I go random
& searching for fandom
A word to the wise
There's no need to disguise
We've already passed thru time wave middle
The surfer was hidden and thus became the riddle
That is why we passed thru the brink
Paul always knew who was the Sphinx
It was not the boxer
just another imposter
Or the body double
Who could only see trouble
Your dad really loves you
Does this pop your bubble
To all of my monkeys here is the key
It can help truth to invest in uncertainty
To all of my lost you soon will be found
There's a fountain that flows in the center of town
Do not feel flat that is a trap
You have kept spinning
because you are a round
Everything's perfect
And has always been
Even if you are living in the depths of sin
So here is the solace for those who feel lost
You merely be nice to soften the cost
Road island power
Took a big shower
for the love of the world
in the shape of a girl
It sounds kind of funny
So here's a gift to my bunny
It was halotosis
which helped achieve gnosis
Just sit in the burning
keep all the wheels turning
Your parents need love
like a cold hand needs a glove
without it the heat will burn off your hand
you are then a boy instead of a man
On the life of a pearl
The ones who never left God
Are not just dogs
Just another set of cogs
Their are not 2 sides, but their are two fields
The winner just watches
He gives and he steels.
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)

Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Very, hairy, carry interesting
Meteor impacts are losing support as mass extinction causing events. But they may be responsible for jump-starting the development of life by creating conditions under which life can either emerge and/or thrive. The Geological Society of...
블로그명 : Pigilito says...
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)

Paris is Frozen
Red Orange Yellow Blue Green Violet
I ride my Black Beam
I'm an Air Force pilot
They all stare
I think it''s a riot
The dog your next to
Like a dog in heat
He’ll kiss your ass
And then your lick feet
Still can’t get any real relief
From your temperamental holy heat
you are a canary in a gilded cage
No matter where you go its always staged
You just got out of HelL.A. jail
Where the world saw the 'baby' wail
Has to be a visible girl
Outside’s gold
Inside’s cold
Has to be a divisible girl
Outside’s gold
Inside’s cold
She’s never had to earn her keep
Does not know even how to sweep
Cannot plumb or plant a drum
Can’t fit a thimble on her Tom thumb
Is it any wonder
That she spends her daze
Numbing the law with a sleepy gaze
I like to walk
She can take a pill
It is so much better
Than to have to deal
Has to be a visible girl
Outside’s gold
Inside’s cold
Has to be a visible girl
No one knows that hell’s really cold
Has to be a divisible girl
Too bad you have a frozen soul
Has to be a visible girl
No one knows that Shell’s really old
Has to be a divisible girl
Too bad you have a frozen soul
Has to be a visible girl
She is known thru out the world
I’ve seen her smile on a magazine
Money still controls her scene
Has to be a visible girl
Can have any car, boat, boy or girl
But she does not know how to stand her self
That's why she ended flat in jail
We all can just go fish
Find girl and she'll break your wrist
And all false stars in hollywood
Take their turns with their holey wood
Drunk in her car
Here come the police
Flashing lights
But they come in peace
You'r a rich girl, young and white
So they cannot see past their fright
may peace live in your heart my blessed blissed out child
peace, peace peace peace, om mani padme hum om mani padme hum om mani padme hum om gati gati paragati parasumagati bodhisvaha om gati gati parisgati parisumagati bodhisvaha bodhisvaha take refuge in the beautiful warmth of Avilokiteshavara
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
I ride my Black Beam
I'm an Air Force pilot
They all stare
I think it''s a riot
The dog your next to
Like a dog in heat
He’ll kiss your ass
And then your lick feet
Still can’t get any real relief
From your temperamental holy heat
you are a canary in a gilded cage
No matter where you go its always staged
You just got out of HelL.A. jail
Where the world saw the 'baby' wail
Has to be a visible girl
Outside’s gold
Inside’s cold
Has to be a divisible girl
Outside’s gold
Inside’s cold
She’s never had to earn her keep
Does not know even how to sweep
Cannot plumb or plant a drum
Can’t fit a thimble on her Tom thumb
Is it any wonder
That she spends her daze
Numbing the law with a sleepy gaze
I like to walk
She can take a pill
It is so much better
Than to have to deal
Has to be a visible girl
Outside’s gold
Inside’s cold
Has to be a visible girl
No one knows that hell’s really cold
Has to be a divisible girl
Too bad you have a frozen soul
Has to be a visible girl
No one knows that Shell’s really old
Has to be a divisible girl
Too bad you have a frozen soul
Has to be a visible girl
She is known thru out the world
I’ve seen her smile on a magazine
Money still controls her scene
Has to be a visible girl
Can have any car, boat, boy or girl
But she does not know how to stand her self
That's why she ended flat in jail
We all can just go fish
Find girl and she'll break your wrist
And all false stars in hollywood
Take their turns with their holey wood
Drunk in her car
Here come the police
Flashing lights
But they come in peace
You'r a rich girl, young and white
So they cannot see past their fright
may peace live in your heart my blessed blissed out child
peace, peace peace peace, om mani padme hum om mani padme hum om mani padme hum om gati gati paragati parasumagati bodhisvaha om gati gati parisgati parisumagati bodhisvaha bodhisvaha take refuge in the beautiful warmth of Avilokiteshavara
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)

I've been purposely vague to allow more information to seep thru the cracks. . It is my belief that the nation of America/Amiracle/Admiral allowed itself to come to the brink(among other reasons) due to the perfected politcal craft of infantilization. This process is so affective, that the culprits have become the victims of their own conceit. In other words, Trying to place all of the accountability on one particular side, party, race, creed, person etc is quite obviously counter productive. It's unkind, naive and a lazy way of thinking. Glossing over the truth just makes things hazy. Peace means no one is excluded - unless they exclude them selves and then we just have to invite them into the circle and include them, acknowledge them.
"giving is so much easier than getting"
I've recently come to real eyes that being a servant to all living beings releases me from the karmic wheel of typical existence, alligns my senses of well being and invigorates my soul.
On another level, it can mean that it is easier to give advice that to receive #it#. So, it is kind of a built in joke designed to convey a mutual mental message massage. Hope I did not go to deep. Ha Ha.
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
"giving is so much easier than getting"
I've recently come to real eyes that being a servant to all living beings releases me from the karmic wheel of typical existence, alligns my senses of well being and invigorates my soul.
On another level, it can mean that it is easier to give advice that to receive #it#. So, it is kind of a built in joke designed to convey a mutual mental message massage. Hope I did not go to deep. Ha Ha.
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)

Tuesday, July 03, 2007
No public rest rooms in Ojai after 5 PM
This is an open letter to those entrusted with the safety of our children, women & men in the precious opal stone that we call Ojai. Thanx in advance for taking care of this small problem. Closing public rest rooms at all is simply not acceptable. To close all of Ojai's public rest rooms at 5 PM creates law suit vulnerability and borders on the pathological.
Sometimes when we get into positions of power, #it# goes to our heads and we lose sight that weare public servants. What's happeing? Humans are being *forced* to release their own brand of waste near stream beds (see Libbey Park). To me, this seems like an attempt to push homeless humans out of the 'nest' with out using our fine police officers to do *their* dirty work. Thus, not only are our homeless human royalty being *mistreated* but we are placing our children in potentially embarrasing positions. Please do not take this in a harsh tone. I know that your plates are full with trying to find a home for the cement skate board park (a big shout goes out to Anonymous for kicking down the half mill), the truck issue (a big shout to Howard), keeping out toxic formula food chains (a big shout to the whole team for this one) and your continual pressure on the county, state and federal government to remove that monstrous dam which continues to damn our environment.
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
Sometimes when we get into positions of power, #it# goes to our heads and we lose sight that weare public servants. What's happeing? Humans are being *forced* to release their own brand of waste near stream beds (see Libbey Park). To me, this seems like an attempt to push homeless humans out of the 'nest' with out using our fine police officers to do *their* dirty work. Thus, not only are our homeless human royalty being *mistreated* but we are placing our children in potentially embarrasing positions. Please do not take this in a harsh tone. I know that your plates are full with trying to find a home for the cement skate board park (a big shout goes out to Anonymous for kicking down the half mill), the truck issue (a big shout to Howard), keeping out toxic formula food chains (a big shout to the whole team for this one) and your continual pressure on the county, state and federal government to remove that monstrous dam which continues to damn our environment.
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)

The cat in the hat
Just so you know
I’ve signed the re lease
So we all can relax
And sink into peace
The damage weave done
Has all been undone
Just as the illusion of order
Has been lost on the border
Too much time
Has been spent on a dime
While so many live backwards
In the meantime.
Welcome to the dreamtime
It gets better every day
So give yourselves a break
For all the ‘mistakes’
We all ‘take’ turns
Burning at the stake.
The endless summer has arrived
That it’s towing the endless week end
May be no surprise
Along came a spider
Down the water spout
Along came the spider
To wash the water out
Thanx for listening
And all that you’re bringing
My voice has been heard
Like church bells ringing
Bless-bliss bless-bliss
Like a heart beat beating
Bless-bliss bless-bliss
A special shout to Doctor Tomorrow
Your words are a magic call
For those trapped in their sorrow
I’ll always love you too
For the bow from the Edge
Near the Liberty Bell
While I hid in the depths that is hell
The atom is clay
And weighs a ton
And my friend mullen
You don’t have to be sullen
And last but not least
Lettuce give a big hand
For the amazingly Sunny Bono
Demonstrating that he’s a worthy Satva
As the sum of you know I’ve been
Perfectly vague
Allowing so much to be
Lost in the haze
And that is the key to this
apparent fiasco
Investing in Loss
Is wearing the cross
Give your selves a hand
A pat on the back
No one can know
I’m the cat in the hat
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
I’ve signed the re lease
So we all can relax
And sink into peace
The damage weave done
Has all been undone
Just as the illusion of order
Has been lost on the border
Too much time
Has been spent on a dime
While so many live backwards
In the meantime.
Welcome to the dreamtime
It gets better every day
So give yourselves a break
For all the ‘mistakes’
We all ‘take’ turns
Burning at the stake.
The endless summer has arrived
That it’s towing the endless week end
May be no surprise
Along came a spider
Down the water spout
Along came the spider
To wash the water out
Thanx for listening
And all that you’re bringing
My voice has been heard
Like church bells ringing
Bless-bliss bless-bliss
Like a heart beat beating
Bless-bliss bless-bliss
A special shout to Doctor Tomorrow
Your words are a magic call
For those trapped in their sorrow
I’ll always love you too
For the bow from the Edge
Near the Liberty Bell
While I hid in the depths that is hell
The atom is clay
And weighs a ton
And my friend mullen
You don’t have to be sullen
And last but not least
Lettuce give a big hand
For the amazingly Sunny Bono
Demonstrating that he’s a worthy Satva
As the sum of you know I’ve been
Perfectly vague
Allowing so much to be
Lost in the haze
And that is the key to this
apparent fiasco
Investing in Loss
Is wearing the cross
Give your selves a hand
A pat on the back
No one can know
I’m the cat in the hat
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)

prism or prison?
Is your body a prison when it could be a prism?
You are the teacher and I am the sweeper
Is your mind
falling behind?
You are the preacher and I am the reacher
Investing in Lost is the goal of the seeker
The planet is spinning and we're always winning
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
You are the teacher and I am the sweeper
Is your mind
falling behind?
You are the preacher and I am the reacher
Investing in Lost is the goal of the seeker
The planet is spinning and we're always winning
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)

Monday, July 02, 2007
My dear little sock puppet
My dear little sock puppet:
We simply do not have free market capitalism (it is a pluralized oligachy), This 'free market' crap is just another one of the obvious lies which have entranced insulated folks (such as your self) and led us to the dead end of war. America's #1 corporation (that we know of) is Exxon. Exxon keeps breaking profit margin records, yet continues to accept subsidies from the 'government' like a greedy dog named Chocolate. Do they redistribute their wealth in any kind of way that serves anyone but their selves? No. They don't even 'serve' them selves. In fact, they are blowing up like tics and blowing the world up as if they are Beavus and Butthead blowing up frogs or shooting a hunting buddy in the face because he cracked a joke about the monster's daughter's sexual orientation. Oops too much for ya? Here's more: These tics (tic, tic, tic, tic...) are drowning in the blood of innocent children, mothers and fathers and the guilt that comes with continually breaking the social contract. If Exxon were an individual in this particular nation, they'd have been executed a long time ago as a sociopathic mass murderer. Subway means down (see: hell) and is another example of poisonous corporate policy. Go pour Gatoraid on your flowers (oh, you don't have any, I wonder why...) and see what happens. A billion commercials cannot change the truth but can fool the naive every day. Peace begins in your heart. Pierce (Dr. Joeseph Chilton Pearce did) the veil. The time has come. All is for giving.
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
We simply do not have free market capitalism (it is a pluralized oligachy), This 'free market' crap is just another one of the obvious lies which have entranced insulated folks (such as your self) and led us to the dead end of war. America's #1 corporation (that we know of) is Exxon. Exxon keeps breaking profit margin records, yet continues to accept subsidies from the 'government' like a greedy dog named Chocolate. Do they redistribute their wealth in any kind of way that serves anyone but their selves? No. They don't even 'serve' them selves. In fact, they are blowing up like tics and blowing the world up as if they are Beavus and Butthead blowing up frogs or shooting a hunting buddy in the face because he cracked a joke about the monster's daughter's sexual orientation. Oops too much for ya? Here's more: These tics (tic, tic, tic, tic...) are drowning in the blood of innocent children, mothers and fathers and the guilt that comes with continually breaking the social contract. If Exxon were an individual in this particular nation, they'd have been executed a long time ago as a sociopathic mass murderer. Subway means down (see: hell) and is another example of poisonous corporate policy. Go pour Gatoraid on your flowers (oh, you don't have any, I wonder why...) and see what happens. A billion commercials cannot change the truth but can fool the naive every day. Peace begins in your heart. Pierce (Dr. Joeseph Chilton Pearce did) the veil. The time has come. All is for giving.
(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)

The elephants walk the earth feeling. Feeling vibrations thru their feet they become overcome with joy, love and peace. Their trunks, trumpets sing out the praise of joy, gratitude and creation for all living beings and for this we give thanks and honor not horror to them.
Reawakening our infantile, elephantile memories releases tremendous amounts of energy so, sew a new suit of beliefs and cut your selves, cells some slack as we belay and relay ourselves up the infinite mountain that is living. You see, Gaia can be likened to a giant round, 3 dimensional record, Akashic record. It's a round world after all.

(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
Reawakening our infantile, elephantile memories releases tremendous amounts of energy so, sew a new suit of beliefs and cut your selves, cells some slack as we belay and relay ourselves up the infinite mountain that is living. You see, Gaia can be likened to a giant round, 3 dimensional record, Akashic record. It's a round world after all.

(-:-) If you feel #it# click your heals and the button, baton on the right (-:-)
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Elephant feet कि
Today’s allegory story is beyond gory or glory. Be fore warned that this might be heavy; so I will give it light.
Elephants are extremely social animals. It is well known that they conduct funerals, experiencing grief deeply when their loved ones die. Elephants can live to be around 2 centuries while living free in the wild. It has come to my attention that another 6-year-old (born in captivity) elephant has died as a consequence of not living in its element. These amazing creatures, whom I now give supreme gratitude for their particular role in the global sweat lodge, have been and are now dying in captivity at an alarmingly young age. This must stop. Zoos are literally torture chambers for these majestic beings of leisure. Elephants communicate with each other much like humans - only their vocal chords are much longer, generating low, low frequency sound waves. Thus, the feet of wild elephants have super*sensitivity* and #this# is their only way of hearing each other speak. Captive elephants develop calluses on the bottoms of their feet as a consequence of standing on concrete 24/7/365. Thus, they live amongst each other in isolation while the callused monkeys admire the shadows of themselves. Time has arrived to re member and honor our grey gray brethren, return their dignity and allow them to roam free and wild. All is for giving. May peace live in your heart.
Elephants are extremely social animals. It is well known that they conduct funerals, experiencing grief deeply when their loved ones die. Elephants can live to be around 2 centuries while living free in the wild. It has come to my attention that another 6-year-old (born in captivity) elephant has died as a consequence of not living in its element. These amazing creatures, whom I now give supreme gratitude for their particular role in the global sweat lodge, have been and are now dying in captivity at an alarmingly young age. This must stop. Zoos are literally torture chambers for these majestic beings of leisure. Elephants communicate with each other much like humans - only their vocal chords are much longer, generating low, low frequency sound waves. Thus, the feet of wild elephants have super*sensitivity* and #this# is their only way of hearing each other speak. Captive elephants develop calluses on the bottoms of their feet as a consequence of standing on concrete 24/7/365. Thus, they live amongst each other in isolation while the callused monkeys admire the shadows of themselves. Time has arrived to re member and honor our grey gray brethren, return their dignity and allow them to roam free and wild. All is for giving. May peace live in your heart.